Az.: IN 660/23
In the proceedings on the application d. GP Photovoltaik & Handel GmbH, Schaltdorf 1e, 84056 Rottenburg, represented by managing director Perzl Gerhard
Registration court: Landshut district court Registration court Register number: HRB 13321
– debtor –
Legal representative:
Lawyers Dr. Karg & colleagues, Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Zellerbachstraße 2, 87700 Memmingen, Gz.: 23/000126 SF
to open insolvency proceedings over one’s own assets
To protect the debtor’s assets from adverse changes (Section 21 Paragraphs 1 and 2 InsO)
Provisional insolvency administration will be ordered on November 17th, 2023 at 1:15 p.m., Section 21 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No. 1 InsO.
The following is appointed as the provisional insolvency administrator: Attorney Timo Plessow, Schinderstraßl 36, 84030 Landshut-Ergolding, Telephone: +49(871)966950, Fax: +49(871)9669520, Email: [email protected].
In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No. 2 Alt. 2 InsO, it is ordered that the debtor’s orders are only effective with the consent of the provisional insolvency administrator.
The collection of outstanding debts also falls under this order.
Legal appeal:
An immediate appeal (hereinafter: appeal) can be lodged against the decision.
The complaint must be submitted to the company within an emergency period of two weeks
Landshut District Court
Maximilianstr. 22
84028 Landshut
to insert.
The period begins with the announcement of the decision or, if this is not announced, with its delivery or with the effective public announcement in accordance with Section 9 InsO on the Internet ( The public announcement is sufficient to prove delivery to all parties involved, even if the InsO also requires special delivery, Section 9 Paragraph 3 InsO. It is deemed to have taken place as soon as two more days have passed after the day of publication, Section 9 Paragraph 1 Sentence 3 InsO. The event that occurred first (announcement, delivery or effective public announcement) is decisive for the start of the period.
The complaint must be made in writing or by means of a statement recorded in the registry of the said court. It may also be recorded in the registry of any district court; However, the deadline is only met if the protocol is received by the above-mentioned court on time. Legal involvement is not required.
The complaint must be signed by the complainant or his authorized representative.
The notice of appeal must contain the name of the contested decision and a statement that an appeal is being lodged against this decision.
Appeals can also be submitted as an electronic document. A simple email does not meet the legal requirements.
Legal remedies filed by a lawyer, by a notary, by an authority or by a legal entity under public law, including the associations formed by it to fulfill its public tasks, must be submitted as an electronic document, unless: because this is temporarily not possible for technical reasons. In this case, the transmission remains permissible in accordance with the general regulations, although the temporary impossibility must be substantiated when the replacement submission is made or immediately thereafter. The electronic document must be submitted later upon request.
Electronic documents must
|be provided with a qualified electronic signature of the responsible person or
|signed by the responsible person and submitted via a secure transmission channel.
An electronic document bearing a qualified electronic signature of the responsible person may be transmitted as follows:
|on a secure transmission channel or
|to the court’s Electronic Court and Administrative Mailbox (EGVP), which is set up to receive electronic documents.
Because of the secure transmission channels, reference is made to Section 130a Paragraph 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure. With regard to the further requirements for electronic communication with the courts, reference is made to the regulation on the technical framework for electronic legal transactions and the special electronic authority mailbox (Electronic Legal Traffic Ordinance – ERVV) in the currently valid version and to the website referred.
Landshut District Court – Insolvency Court – November 17, 2023
2023-11-20 06:56:47
#Insolvent #Photovoltaik #Handel #GmbH #valuation