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Insights into Team Communication at the Tour de France: Schválně se přiznejte, všimli jste si letošní novinky?

Title: Team Radios Add Excitement to the Tour de France

The Tour de France has introduced a new feature this year that has caught the attention of fans – team radios. While not as common as in Formula 1, team radios have become an integral part of the race, providing interesting insights and communication between teams and riders. This addition has given fans a closer look into the peloton and added excitement to the race.

Insights from Team Radios:
During each stage, fans can expect to hear interesting comments and instructions from team radios. For example, the Jumbo-Visma team humorously described the French time trialist, Rémi Cavagna, as someone who only knows “full gas.” These snippets of communication provide fans with a unique perspective on the race.

Personal Messages and Instructions:
Team radios are not only used for tactical instructions but also for personal messages. In one instance, the wife of French rider Pichon expressed her pride and love for her husband during the race. This heartfelt message showcased the emotional side of the race and the support system behind the riders.

Varied Instructions:
Team radios are also used to give instructions on race tactics and rider positioning. For instance, the Intermarché team instructed their riders to protect their leader, Bini Girmye, during the race. Quick-Step’s Tom Steels emphasized the importance of having Cavagna at the front to break the wind for his teammates. These instructions highlight the strategic aspect of the race and the teamwork involved.

A Glimpse Inside the Peloton:
Team radios provide fans with a unique glimpse into the peloton, allowing them to feel closer to their favorite riders. Whether it’s warnings about dangerous descents, reminders to stick together, or alerts about enthusiastic fans along the route, team radios offer a diverse range of insights.

The Technological Challenge:
The introduction of team radios in cycling has been a technological challenge. Unlike Formula 1, where communication is easier due to the stationary nature of the sport, the constantly moving peloton of the Tour de France presents a greater challenge. However, advancements in technology have made it possible to implement team radios in cycling, and the Tour de France has embraced this innovation.

How It Works:
Six designated officials listen to the radio transmissions from each team during the race. They select the most interesting and relevant snippets to be broadcasted, ensuring that no sensitive tactical information is revealed. To maintain the integrity of the race, there is a slight delay in broadcasting the team radio communications.

The addition of team radios to the Tour de France has brought a new level of excitement and insight to the race. Fans can now experience the emotions, instructions, and tactics exchanged between teams and riders. While some teams may be cautious about revealing their strategies, team radios have become an integral part of the race, providing fans with a closer connection to their favorite cyclists.let. Týmy se snaží svou komunikaci co nejvíce zabezpečit, aby soupeři neměli přístup k jejich strategii a plánům.

Navzdory těmto opatřením je však rádiová komunikace stále zajímavým prvkem přenosu Tour de France. Fanoušci mají možnost nahlédnout dovnitř pelotonu a poslouchat, jak týmy komunikují se svými závodníky. Je to způsob, jak se přiblížit svým oblíbencům a lépe porozumět jejich rozhodnutím a taktice.

Takže pokud jste si letošní novinku na Tour de France nevšimli, nevadí. Máte ještě dost času, abyste si vychutnali tuto zajímavou součást přenosu. A kdo ví, možná se dozvíte něco, co vás překvapí nebo pobaví.

ákulisí závodu. Funkcionáři se snaží vybrat především vtipné nebo zajímavé momenty, které mohou fanoušky pobavit.

„Je to taková zábava pro fanoušky. Můžou si poslechnout, co se mezi závodníky a týmy děje, a trochu se tak dostat dovnitř pelotonu,“ vysvětluje ředitel Tour de France Christian Prudhomme.

Samotní závodníci jsou nad novinkou také nadšení.

„Je to skvělá věc. Můžeme slyšet, co si týmy říkají, a je to pro nás i pro fanoušky zajímavé,“ říká francouzský cyklista Julian Alaphilippe.

Novinka se setkala s pozitivním ohlasem nejen u fanoušků, ale i u samotných týmů a závodníků. A tak se zdá, že týmové vysílačky ve formě team radio zůstanou součástí Tour de France i v budoucích letech.

Takže pokud ještě nemáte dostatek času na sledování Tour de France, nezapomeňte si zapnout team radio a poslechnout si, co se mezi závodníky a týmy děje. Možná se dozvíte něco zajímavého nebo se jen pobavíte nad vtipnými poznámkami týmových vůzů.

detail photograph

What role do team radios play in changing the dynamics of the Tour de France, making it a more thrilling and immersive race experience for fans globally

The race in a whole new way, with access to personal messages, tactical instructions, and a closer look into the inner workings of the peloton. Team radios add a dynamic element to the Tour de France, making it even more thrilling and engaging for fans worldwide.

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