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“Inside the Devastated Gaza Strip: A Look at the Destruction and Tunnels Revealed”


Inside the Devastated Gaza Strip: A Look at the Destruction and Tunnels Revealed

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) recently granted access to reporters to witness the aftermath of the war in the Gaza Strip. The purpose was to shed light on the destruction caused by the conflict and reveal the extensive tunnel network used by Hamas militants. As we embarked on our journey, it became evident that the IDF had a story to tell, and we were about to witness it firsthand.

The journey began with a convoy of Humvees, with soldiers positioned strategically, ready for any potential threat. As we crossed into Gaza, the landscape transformed into a scene of utter devastation. Buildings lay in ruins, reduced to rubble, and there was not a structure left untouched by the conflict. It was a stark reminder of the toll war takes on civilian infrastructure.

Our first stop was the camp for the 401st armored division, where soldiers waited amidst the wreckage. Some took a moment to capture images of the desolation, while others performed maintenance on their tanks. The risk of ambush was ever-present, but the IDF maintained firm control over the area.

Next, we arrived at the Shati refugee camp, just north of Gaza City. The destruction here was overwhelming. Broken concrete and piles of dirt littered the landscape, making every step a challenge. Black smoke stains emanated from windows, evidence of recent airstrikes. The extent of the damage was difficult to comprehend.

Amidst this devastation, we were taken to a kindergarten, adorned with paintings of beloved cartoon characters. Lt. Col Idor of the 401st armored brigade showed us maps revealing the intricate network of tunnels beneath our feet. It was a chilling realization that these tunnels served as conduits for Hamas militants to carry out their operations.

Our journey continued to the UNRWA headquarters, where soldiers had dug a well leading to one of the rooms used as an electricity hub for the tunnels. Lt. Col Idor removed my press identifier and dropped it down the hole, a symbolic gesture of the dangers lurking beneath the surface.

Inside the headquarters, we were shown rooms where wiring for computers, communications equipment, and electricity disappeared underground. The scale of the operation was astounding. It was clear that Hamas had invested significant resources in constructing these tunnels, complete with reinforced concrete, tiled floors, and modern amenities. In one location, there was even a makeshift coffee shop, a testament to the militants’ desire for comfort amidst chaos.

As we ventured deeper into the tunnels, we crawled, crouched, and occasionally waded through filthy water. The modern tunnels were a far cry from those I had experienced over a decade ago. The attention to detail was evident, with decorative tiles and functioning plumbing. It was a stark reminder of the sophistication of Hamas’s operations.

Lt. Col Idor emphasized that Hamas could not have carried out such extensive construction without the knowledge or involvement of UNRWA employees. He pointed out that the organization’s claim of being a humanitarian entity without military capabilities seemed implausible given the evidence at hand.

In response, UNRWA released a statement denying any involvement in military activities and stating that they lack the expertise to conduct inspections of what lies beneath their premises. The tension between the IDF and UNRWA is palpable, with both sides presenting conflicting narratives.

As our journey came to an end, we emerged from the tunnels underneath the UNRWA headquarters. Lt. Col Idor handed back my press identifier, symbolizing our return to the surface. The destruction and tunnels we witnessed were a testament to the complex reality of the conflict in Gaza.

The devastation left in the wake of war is undeniable. The tunnels serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by Israel in its efforts to protect its citizens from militant threats. The conflict in Gaza is far from over, and the road to peace remains elusive. As the world grapples with finding a solution, it is crucial to understand the complexities and realities on the ground.

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