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Inserm Prize 2020: Discover the eight big winners!

It’s a small event on the scientific planet. On December 8, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research presented its distinctions during the annual Inserm awards ceremony. ” In order to promote research excellence, Inserm is distinguishing this year eight laureates, scientists and administrators whose work has contributed throughout the year to improving knowledge about Covid-19 “, Said the institution in a press release.


Dominique gostagliola
Epidemiologist, Research Director at Inserm, Deputy Director of the Pierre-Louis Institute of Public Health
Last January, Dominique Gostagliola was urgently called upon to Inserm’s REACTing consortium, responsible for coordinating research into epidemics of emerging diseases. His mission ? Help them fight Covid-19 by joining its scientific committee. An important reinforcement since this renowned epidemiologist has been working in HIV research since 1986. In particular, she is the author of several key expertises for understanding this pathology. ” His work has greatly contributed to reducing the progression of the virus by improving knowledge about the disease, antiretroviral treatment strategies and even infection prevention. », Recalls INSERM. A vast experience that she was able to use in her daily fight against Covid-19.


Florence Ader
Doctor, infectious disease specialist and pulmonologist at the Croix-Rousse hospital (Lyon) and researcher at the International Center for Infectious Disease Research
Researcher for inserm and clinician in the field, Florence Ader is multiplying her hats. This vast expertise has enabled this Lyonnaise to pilot the Discovery trial launched in March 2020, and which is part of the Solidarity study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO). A project which aims to find a treatment against Covid-19, in particular by relying on the ” repositioning of existing drugs ». « If to date, the first treatments proposed have not proved effective, the formidable clinical research network created on this occasion is operational to allow the testing of new candidate treatments against covid-19. », Indicates INSERM. A mounted test ” in record time Which earned him this fine distinction.


France Mentré
Biostatistician and epidemiologist at Bichat APHP / Inserm Hospital
France Mentré is not left out! In 2014, this biostatistician confused her laboratory, unit 1137 “ Infection, antimicrobials, modeling, evolution “. A multidisciplinary strike force used in the fight against Covid-19 “aith in particular the establishment and monitoring of major research projects », According to INSERM. This commitment is accompanied by additional responsibilities, since France Mentré is also methodological manager of the Discovery trial and methodological co-manager of French Covid. This French observational cohort aims to predict the risks of worsening Covid-19 disease, in order to allow doctors to better prepare for it. In September, she was also the first French woman to join the scientific committee of the international research network Isaric.


Summer from Yazdanpanah
Infectious disease specialist and Director of the Inserm thematic institute for immunology, inflammation, infectiology and microbiology
Since the start of the epidemic, the Inserm REACTing consortium has been fighting relentlessly against the epidemic. Their mission? Coordinate research work on Covid-19 in France. A shock team led by Yazdan Yazdanpanah who therefore receives the OPECST-INSERM award on behalf of his entire team.


Frederique Lesaulnier
Inserm Data Protection Officer
This year’s Grand Prix Innovation is a specialist in the protection of medical research data. This experience was put to good use from the start of the pandemic in order to allow studies to be set up while respecting the confidentiality of data and individuals. An important mission carried out jointly with the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties (CNIL).

Helene Esperou
Head of Inserm Clinical Research Department
Hélène Espérou is the head of the clinical center at inserm. Since January, she and her team have supported the setting up of numerous clinical research projects relating to Covid-19. A constant investment that allows it to win the prize for innovation.

Jean-Christophe Hébert
Director of the Inserm Legal Affairs Department
It is thanks to the involvement of Jean-Christophe Hébert, director of the Legal Affairs Department at Inserm, that the contracts necessary to launch research projects related to Covid-19 have been drawn up! Legal work that was rewarded this year.


Anthony Fauci
Director of the American Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Bethesda / USA)
HIV, Zika, Ebola… The Director of the American Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 36 years has worked, during his career, on the largest viruses. A considerable experience that Donald Trump has put to good use by appointing him as the main medical advisor integrated into his Covid team. An important task which resulted in ” a decisive role in informing the public about Covid-19 and in terms of strategies and advice to best contain the epidemic ».

A string of distinctions which is well worth congratulations to all the winners. And also at INSERM which put women in the spotlight this year!

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