Home » today » World » Inquest survivor: ‘There’s no safety valve for how two trains get on opposite tracks’ – 2024-02-17 03:32:31

Inquest survivor: ‘There’s no safety valve for how two trains get on opposite tracks’ – 2024-02-17 03:32:31

“Since we have the safety “a and o” I can’t understand how there is no safety valve for how two trains enter the opposite line” said the survivor of the crime of Tempe, Alikaniotis Andreas, who was riding in the second carriage and self-sacrificingly he saved about 10 of his fellow passengers.

The 22-year-old student, who suffered bruises, burns and an injury to his right knee, said the first thing he did after the crash was to see if he was fit in the suffocating atmosphere of the fire.

“I took a suitcase so we could break the mosque and take our first breath,” he said and added that he then tried to free other people, managing to save about 10 of his fellow passengers.

To the question of who is responsible for the tragic event, he initially objected that he is not competent to judge and that it is not one or two persons or “human error of the moment”. “Perhaps it starts with the person from the executives themselves, from the training you need as a station master or as an executive” he pointed out and added:

“Being a sailor and an engineer, since we have the safety “a and o” I cannot understand that there is not a safety valve for how two trains enter on opposite lines”.

From the questions of the SYRIZA MP, Alexandros Avlonitis, the witness said that after the collision the fire had spread to “two or three places on the ground” and in fact, “without any fuel”.

“I can’t know what this could be,” he said, with the expertise of Mr. Kokotsakis, an expert on families, identifying materials with flammable properties (propane, butane, toluene, benzene, etc.), which were not declared on the bills of lading references.

It caused a feeling that with targeted questions MPs of the coalition tried to present an image that the Fire Department showed direct reflexes at the moment when the witness himself described how he saved his fellow passengers, as well as the late transition of the fire department from the fields to the burning wagons.

“Unthinkable attack on survivor – hero witness”

The questions of the SYRIZA rapporteur, Vassilis Kokkalis, about the cake that Mr. Alikaniotis’s mother had given as a gift, and which depicted a train, caused a strange impression. On this, the sources of the majority commented the following:

“Syriza’s rapporteur Vassilis Kokkalis proceeded with an unthinkable attack against the survivor – hero-witness who helped free eight other fellow passengers of Andreas Alikaniotis.

“Specifically he called out (in the form of a supposed question) the young man for the birthday cake his mother bought him because she had a train and the note that he was reborn on the day of the accident. A man who for two months received support for the stress he suffered and who helped his fellow human beings, Mr. Kokkalis from the beginning ridiculed him saying that “help is even giving a jacket to the person next to you”.

“The young man looked surprised, while the presidium and MPs of the ND made it clear that this question “shouldn’t have been asked”. Mr. Kokkalis visibly embarrassed left the room while there was a motion to delete this direct insult from the minutes.

Read also: Tempe: Over 370,000 signatures on Karystianou’s resolution – See how you can sign

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