The payment of theInclusion allowance of March will be suspended if the new ISEE referring to 2024 is not submitted. The INPS clarifies this with a message in which it recalls that tomorrow, 15 March, the first payments will be made for the families benefiting from the ADI who have submitted the application by month of February 2024, with a positive outcome of the investigation and with a digital activation agreement signed. The families who have already received payments in the previous months, if the requirements for the right to the inclusion allowance remain, he explains, will receive the monthly payment due on the 27th of March.
“Starting from the renewals in March – underlines the INPS – the presence of the ISEE 2024 will also be verified.
Therefore, without prejudice to the outcome of the checks carried out in the previous two months on the basis of an ISEE in force on 31 December 2023, in the event that the new ISEE certification for 2024 is not yet available, the service will be suspended pending the certification ISEE 2024″.
Btp out of ISEE also for those who ask for the inclusion allowance. Irregular work, prison also for private agencies
edited by Economics Editorial Staff

The methods
INPS reminds you that, for the purposes of disbursing the inclusion allowance, registration on the Siisl platform and the signing of the digital activation agreement are always necessary, “without which payment cannot be made”. From 18 March, INPS underlines in the message, each adult member of the family unit who benefits from Adi will be able to use the Adi-Com Extended model, available on the institutional website, for mandatory communications during the provision of the benefit which concern: the starting a job; changes that have occurred relating to a member of the family which may lead to changes in the application of the equivalence scale or the loss of the right to the allowance; further changes to the declarations made in the application which lead to the loss of the requirement in relation to the data of the movable/real estate assets, the possession of durable goods and continuous residence in Italy; the request for the individualization of the inclusion card, if not already made at the time of the application.
Half a million families cut off from the inclusion allowance. The government takes action and changes the requirements
by Valentina Conte

In particular, for communications regarding the start of work, whether employed or self-employed, an indication of the income expected to be received during the year is required for employed work or, in the case of self-employed work, the income received quarterly, in order to verify the permanence of the income limit requirement for the right to the inclusion allowance or for the redetermination of the amount due. From the month following that of the change and until the increased income is included in the ISEE for the entire year, the indicated income contributes only for the part exceeding 3,000 euros per year gross to the determination of the amount of the allowance.
By March, checks on the ISEE will be started, both on new applications and on those already submitted, to detect the presence of a mortgage for the main residence, for the purposes of enabling the inclusion cards to carry out installment transfers relative.
Single allowance in the calculation for the ISEE, the government announces intervention
Meanwhile, the government is preparing to patch up the mechanism that includes the single allowance in the ISEE calculation – “The government is aware that the legislation establishing the single and universal allowance, outlined by the Draghi government, has a negative impact on the ISEE calculation which is causing numerous problems for families, for the purposes of accessing subsidized social benefits and for the calculation of the same”m, said the Deputy Minister of Labor Maria in a note Teresa Bellucci. The government should therefore intervene to exclude from the calculation of the indicator on the economic situation what is received with the single allowance.
“We have started, he stated, an inter-ministerial technical table involving the Ministries of Labour, the Economy and the Ministers for the Family and Disabilities. An in-depth study carried out in synergy to identify those areas of intervention that are critical with respect to the calculation of the ISEE and present possible solutions at the same time”. “The government continued, has placed policies in favor of families at the top of its priorities and, first of all, we intervened to secure, with respect to the inherited criticality, the provision of the single and universal allowance for the year 2024; in fact the INPS will subtract from the ISEE value what was received for the same check during the year 2022”.
#INPS #inclusion #allowance #suspended #ISEE
– 2024-03-28 19:17:39