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Inps bonus up to 800 euros: who can request the Iscro indemnity

The acronym Iscro indicates the extraordinary indemnity for income and operational continuity introduced by the Budget Law 2021, addressed to workers enrolled in the Separate Account: it is a bonus intended for p. VAT, in possession of certain requirements, paid directly by INPS through the recognition of a fee which – depending on the case – may vary from 250 to 800 euros monthly.

Iscro Inps bonus, how much is due: amounts and monthly payments

The Inps Iscro bonus was born to deal with the Covid emergency, a sort of recognition layoffs (or income support if you prefer) to self-employed workers, therefore owners of p. VAT, affected by the crisis. Specifically, monthly aid will be granted to these for one time only over the three-year period from 2021 to 2023, the amounts of which may vary depending on the case.

The Inps indemnity will be paid for six months in total and will be 25% of the last income declared on a half-yearly basis by the taxpayer requesting it. The amount, as already mentioned, cannot in any case exceed 800 euros per month or be less than 250 euros per month.

Iscro bonus financed with the increase in INPS contributions

What will probably leave self-employed workers registered in the Separate Account unhappy, especially those who will not be able to request the bonus, is knowing that for the financing of the ISCRO a increase in the additional rate due to the Separate Account, equal to 0.26 percentage points in 2021 and 0.51 percentage points for the years 2022 and 2023.

Therefore, if the rate for professionals (not retired) for 2020 is set at 25% (to which 0.72% must be added to finance the maternity allowance), the same contribution to be paid, which will be applied to the self-employment income resulting from the relative annual return, it will increase to 25.98% in 2021 and 26.23% in the two-year period 2022/2023.

Who can request the Iscro Inps bonus up to 800 euros

Thought of as a kind of layoffs for self-employed workers who have lost their jobs, the Iscro Inps bonus cannot be requested by everyone.

In order to be considered a benefit, in fact, you must have the following requirements:

  • not be holders of direct pension or insured with other compulsory social security forms;
  • registration in the Separate Management;
  • not be beneficiaries of citizenship income;
  • be in compliance with the compulsory social security contribution;
  • have the VAT number active for at least four years on the date of submission of the application, for the activity that gave the right to enrollment in the social security management.

Furthermore, to receive the allowance it is necessary to have produced an income, in the year preceding the application, lower than 50% of the average self-employment income earned in the previous three 3 years and having declared a income not exceeding 8,145 euros.

Inps bonus of up to 800 euros to workers of the Separate Account: how to apply

To be recognized the bonus Iscro, taxpayers in possession of the requirements listed above must submit he asks the INPS. The request must be accompanied by a self-certification of the income produced for the years of interest and everything must be sent electronically by the deadline of October 31 of each year.

Precise provisions on the methods of sending will then be issued by the Social Security Institute, as well as for the definition in detail the specific decree of the Minister of Labor and Policies must be awaited, adopted within sixty days from the entry into force of the provision (therefore by March 2, 2021).

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