Home » today » Health » Innovative Peruvian companies will access S / 1.5 million for solutions in the agricultural sector | TECHNOLOGY

Innovative Peruvian companies will access S / 1.5 million for solutions in the agricultural sector | TECHNOLOGY

Product and / or technology initiatives that increase nutrient retention and availability, optimize quality and cost production, in addition to generating a farming sustainable, will be recognized by the Challenge La Portada, an open innovation contest that promotes joint work between companies in the sector.

“This challenge seeks to identify startups, companies, scientific and technological centers, national and international, that in the short term develop, adapt or apply innovative solutions to two challenges, generating alliances that strengthen competitiveness and promote sustainable agriculture, through collaborative innovation ”Said Pascal Ascencio, general coordinator of the La Portada project.

The consolidation of Peru as the third largest exporter of grapes to the United States and its emergence in the world as a new producer of this food, as well as the appearance of different consumption habits, require the country to design innovative strategies and technologies to strengthen the sector.

“The Innóvate Peru Program of the Ministry of Production and the company La Portada, will award more than 1.5 million winning projects, whose registrations end on January 13”, Detailed Alessandra Quiñones, general manager of Bioactiva, the first platform of scientific innovation for the agricultural-food sector in Peru, organizer of the contest.

“The validation and / or packaging of innovations, support to promote their development and / or technological validation of the solution, and the connection with a network of contacts in the agricultural export industry, and with potential allies and / or clients, as well it will be part of the award, “he added.

The initiative www.challengelaportada.com It presents two challenges to solve: the first is to develop an organo-mineral fertilizer that reduces electrical conductivity and increases nutrients in the soil, including the use of agricultural residues.

The second challenge seeks the development of a microbial biofertilizer that improves the bioavailability of nutrients in the soil and increases its biological activity.

Agro-export of grapes

Innovative technological solutions in soils can boost agro-exports on a large scale. Products such as grapes, which were exported to only 10 countries in 2000, for a total value of US $ 6 million, today reach more than 60 countries, for about US $ 875 million annually.

Because they have sandy soils, the water and nutrients from a large number of farms on the Peruvian coast are not retained and require chemical fertilization; at least 40% of agricultural soils are affected by salinization and poor drainage.

Despite the challenges faced by the agribusiness sector, even in the COVID-19 pandemic, during 2020 Peru exported 229,000 tons of fresh grapes, mainly to the United States and the Netherlands; Regarding grape exports, during the first half of 2020, the export value increased by US $ 76 million compared to the first half of 2019.

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