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Innovative method from Valencia: sterilized mosquitoes against dengue fever – Newsmonkey

In a groundbreaking initiative, a laboratory in Valencia has developed an innovative method to combat the spread of dengue fever. The Center for Biological Pest Control uses sterilized tiger mosquitoes to reduce the population of these pathogens.

Every week the laboratory breeds thousands of tiger mosquitoes, which are then separated by sex. So reports Reuters. The males are sterilized using radiation technology. This procedure, carried out with an electronic accelerator, prevents the mosquitoes from reproducing, reducing the total population. This approach is in response to the growing threat of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever. These are spreading in Europe.

Climate change increases mosquito populations

According to Vicente Dalmau from the Department of Health, Agriculture and Fisheries in Valencia, climate change plays a major role in the expansion of tiger mosquito populations. “The mild winters and longer warm periods ensure that these mosquitoes thrive for a longer period of time,” said Dalmau. Due to global warming, the Aedes albopictus, better known as the tiger mosquito, is expanding further and further across Europe. There are now fixed numbers in 13 countries, including Spain.

Increase in mosquito-borne diseases

The impact of these mosquitoes is significant. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has recorded an increase in cases of dengue fever imported from areas where the disease is endemic. In addition, there are more outbreaks locally diseases such as West Nile virus and dengue fever.

All over the world the figures are alarming. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cases of denguea mosquito-borne disease, has increased eightfold since 2000, with 4.2 million cases reported by 2022. The WHO attributes this increase to climate change on mosquito populations.

2024-08-04 17:23:20
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