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Innovation in mental health care

Mental health care has been in an evolving context in recent years. Great strides have been made, especially when it comes to awareness. Psychological problems are taken seriously and treatment trajectories are increasingly personalized and accessible.

Mental well-being and psychotherapy fortunately are increasingly removed from the taboo sphere. “It can be discussed and that makes the help more tailored. People wait less time to seek help, which translates into more appropriate treatment than in the past without the need for hospitalization, ”says Jochen Van den Steen, the hospital’s general manager. Gent-Sleidinge psychiatric center. “Mental health care is and remains a complex issue, but by working proactively we can in the future encourage the alignment of broader treatment modalities not only to be seen in a residential setting. This gives space to think in what form we can use the current capacity of the bed in various ways, in line with the needs of the patient and her environment. The place is subordinated to treatment, which is a new way of thinking ”.

Councilor Raoul De Cuyper confirms: “Residential supply is overloaded, not only due to increased demand, but also due to suboptimal use of treatment options in line with demand at an early stage. There is too little connection with the clinic and one’s environment. This must change in the future through the proactive use of specialist care. Early diagnosis is essential. The big difference with somatic medicine and mental health care is that the symptoms in the latter group they are less predictable and more related to life stages and context. If we arrive early and can offer optimal help, this opens up prospects for recovery. “

Hospitalization in residence is no longer the only solution for a therapeutic path.

So prevention is better than cure. “Many problems are present at a young age, recognizable and treatable,” says Van den Steen. “The chances of a positive healing process are therefore much greater. As an industry, we must work together so that complex problems are adequately addressed, in all areas, with the patient and the environment. A registration is no longer the only solution. We see a shift towards a care process in which it is possible to easily switch from outpatient to residential services ”.

Within society, different actors are needed to cope with mental problems. De Cuyper: “Family and friends, the family doctor or even the social center can play a decisive role in breaking a pattern. Patients often come from a problem of financial problems, a homeless situation, alcohol or drug problems, unemployment and consequent comorbidities with somatic problems. A vicious circle that must be broken through diversified treatments and support “.

Van de Steen concludes that attention to awareness has increased. “In the past, mental health care was too often a fringe element in society. Better awareness translates into a better society. Mental problems are discussed. Even within politics, work is being done on affordable and affordable mental health care. This allows more people to get the right treatment quickly. A very positive sign ”.

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