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“INNODESIGN PRIZE 2023: A Journey through Italian Innovation and Design”

In the tenth year of INNODESIGN PRIZE in 2023, this year’s event is already in full swing and proceeding in an orderly manner, in order to better provide more exciting content for the award-winning designers’ Italian design journey. On May 11th, Mr. Nicola in charge of the famous Italian Damaso winery, Mr. Gu Wencan from the INNODESIGN PRIZE organizing committee, Mr. Long Weiquan from the Simple culture company, Ms. Han Yu from the founding association (INNDA) and Ms. Xu Zhenwen from the secretariat discussed together The itinerary planning and related matters of Italy’s innovative design tour, the meeting discussed the visits to famous Italian design institutions for this year’s award-winning designers, the exchange of Chinese and Italian designers, the series of courses (industrial, visual, and spatial) at the Milan Institute of Technology, ADI (Italy The specific details of a series of itineraries such as the awards ceremony held in the Industrial Design Association) Design Museum, the wine night at the Damaso Winery, etc. are sorted out.

In order to provide award-winning designers with a brand-new display platform, promote academic exchanges between Chinese and Italian designers, and provide award-winning designers with a higher-quality visit and study journey, the organizing committee and relevant parties are in charge of the Italian innovative design. Make plans for every detail of the trip.

·INNODESIGN PRIZE Innovative Design Tour

The creative society INNDA and the organizing committee of the INNODESIGN competition will start a European innovative design tour, and will cooperate with a number of foreign cooperation agencies to carefully plan design exchange activities for the award-winning designers. Activities include on-the-spot investigations, visits to well-known design colleges, internal exchanges among design companies, and various lectures.

1. The award ceremony will be held at the ADI Design Museum

ADI Design Museum – the Italian Industrial Design Association, represents the entire industrial chain of the Italian design industry. The Compasso d’oro award is about the world’s oldest and most prestigious industrial design award, aimed at rewarding and improving the quality of Italian design.

2. The Founding Association and the Milan Institute of Technology offer innovative design courses

Politecnico di Milano (Italian: Politecnico di Milano; Polimi for short) was founded in 1863 and is located in Milan, Italy. It only focuses on three major fields: engineering technology, design and architecture, and does not set up comprehensive colleges of literature, law, and medicine. Millikin is a member of the IDEA alliance of top European engineering colleges, and also the Milli-TUM-Imperial College European Talent Society Alliance. European Design Schools Alliance (MEDes). According to the 2023 QS World Engineering and Technology Comprehensive Ranking: Millikin ranks 18th in the world and 4th in continental Europe. In addition, design ranks 8th in the world and architecture ranks 10th in the world. Millikin University is one of the top 100 universities in the world.

3. The famous Italian winery Damaso held a red wine dinner

The winery has been passed down for five generations and has continued for a hundred years. Now it has become one of the world’s leading wine estates.

Director of Damaso Winery: Nicola Dal Maso and the winery

4. All parties conduct detailed consultation and planning at the secretariat of the founding meeting

This exchange is a discussion and academic exchange of the Italian design tour. We are honored to invite Mr. Gu Wencan, a member of the main committee of INNODESIGN PRIZE, and Nicola Dal Maso, the European sponsor of the competition, to participate. With the end of the epidemic, the 10th INNODESIGN PRIZE in 2023 will open a global call for papers. This year we will also restart the European design exchange and learning journey and return to the INNODESIGN PRIZE awards ceremony.

INNODESIGN PRIZE Academic Exchange


List of guests attending this academic discussion

How to participate in INNODESIGN PRIZE


Submission method and requirements:

Add the filled entry form and pictures of the design works to the entry application form according to requirements. In addition, each set of entries must provide 10 pieces of A4 size and resolution 300dpi picture mode jpg; video format MP4 time limit within 1 minute. The registration form for the competition will be sent to the designated email address in the form of a compressed package in the form of WORD version and design works.

If the same participating unit/author submits multiple works, they can send multiple works in the form of compressed packages in the same email.

Email header format:

Professional group: “2023 INNODESIGN PRIZE+name+entry category”

School group: “2023 INNODESIGN JUNIOR + name + entry category”

Call for Papers:[email protected]

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