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“Inmates Participate in Voluntary Counseling Test for Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases in Tarakan Prison”

TRIBUNKALTARA.COM, TARAKAN – Dozens of Tarakan Prison inmates took part in the Voluntary Counseling Test or VCT, Friday (19/5/2023). This activity was carried out in the Tarakan prison detention hall in collaboration with the Karang Rejo Health Center, Tarakan, North Kalimantan.

The Head of Tarakan Prison, Mohammad Ridwantoro, said that today as many as 25 inmates, to be exact, took part in this VCT activity.

“This activity is called Warna Bersari or healthy joint fostered citizens without discrimination at Tarakan Prison. The aim is to detect whether the inmates are infected with communicable and non-communicable diseases such as HIV, pulmonary TB, then other diseases such as diabetes including high blood pressure,” said Mohammad Ridwantoro.

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This VCT activity is also an effort to prevent HIV transmission in prisons and provide knowledge about the benefits of holding VCT.

“Before the VCT test is carried out, the inmates of Tarakan Prison are first given counseling and education related to HIV, tuberculosis and diabetes so that they can understand the purpose of holding the VCT then proceed with registration as well as taking the WBP’s data, then taking the WBP’s blood sample and taking the sample. phlegm,” said Mohammad Ridwantoro.

Ridwantoro further explained, the VCT examination was carried out through the synergy and cooperation between the Tarakan Prison and the Karang Rejo Health Center.

Also read: Commemorating World AIDS Day, the Mayor of Tarakan Attends the Launching of PDP & VCT Services for PLHIV at RSUKT

“This is also the implementation of Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections mandating fundamental improvements in the implementation of Correctional functions which include service, coaching, community guidance, treatment, security, and observation by upholding respect, protection, and fulfillment of human rights. ,” said Ridwantoro.

The Chief of Staff also stated that this activity was the fulfillment of the rights of the inmates to obtain health services.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Management Division of the Karang Rejo Health Center’s HIV / STI program, Retno, also said that VCT is very important to be carried out in prisons because they are a vulnerable group for HIV / AIDS transmission, including tuberculosis.

The enthusiasm of the Tarakan Prison residents for the opportunity to take part in the Voluntary Counseling Test (VCT), Friday (19/5/2023). This activity was carried out in the Tarakan Prison’s besukan hall in collaboration with the Karang Rejo Health Center. (TRIBUNKALTARA.COM/DOCUMENTATION/HENDRA MAHA SAPUTRA)

“We are worried that there will be interactions of sexual deviance in prisons which can lead to HIV transmission, so VCT is being carried out as an effort to detect whether inmates are HIV positive,” said Retno.

This test is carried out in stages. For today only 25 assisted residents who participated at the beginning.
“Later, VCT tests will be rescheduled for other inmates,” he explained.

Also read: 13 Reactive People After HIV Screening, Nunukan Health Office Do This Immediately: Regular Program Every Year

Head of Tarakan Prison and Student Development Section, Hendra Maha Saputra also expressed his gratitude to related parties from the puskesmas including the Tarakan Health Office.

“Especially the Karang Rejo Health Center which has collaborated in the Bersari Color activity at Lapas. This activity is a form of early detection of tackling the occurrence of communicable and non-communicable diseases, especially with prison conditions that are over capacity, more susceptible to transmission,” he said.

Author: Andi Pausiah Source:

Kaltara Tribune
2023-05-19 07:20:39
#Residents #Tarakan #Prison #Participate #VCT #Anticipate #Transmission #HIV #Infectious #Diseases #Tribun #Kaltara

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