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“Inmate Sentenced to 4 Years for Beating Up Four Supervisors at Nancy-Maxéville Remand Center”

On February 17, four supervisors of the Nancy-Maxéville remand center were beaten up by an inmate who refused to be searched. Their attacker, who did not deign to appear in court, was sentenced on Wednesday to 4 years in prison.

Jean-Christophe VINCENT

Yesterday at 22:44 | updated yesterday at 22:45

“When we told him to face the wall, he turned around and punched my boss in the face and then he pushed me and knocked me down… And there, he never stopped hitting me all over the body. Today, I can no longer sleep, I am devastated. This prisoner is dangerous, he has no place in a remand center but must go to the central. »

The broken nose

At the bar of the Nancy Criminal Court, this Wednesday, a tearful supervisor struggles to describe what she has experienced. Like three other of her colleagues, she had to face a shower of blows from Jaoid Jeffal, last February 17. The detainee, who had already been sentenced for the same offenses when he was in the Écrouves detention centre, literally threw himself on the guards, two women and two men, to beat them up, when they had to search his his cell. First are the two women, one of whom had a broken nose who began to suffer this tsunami of violence, then the two men came to the aid of their female colleagues.

The feeling of being lynched

“Each blow given was of incredible violence”, underlines Me Marie Desmet, the victims’ lawyer. “None of the four supervisors has been able to return to work since these particularly traumatic events. The two women were downright knocked down by Mr. Jeffal’s blows. They felt like they were being lynched. One of the supervisors had a deep, open wound that required five stitches, like the supervisor whose nose was broken. The videos of the remand center are telling, we see the officers in panic, their faces bleeding, taking refuge in the security SAS. The psychological damage is enormous! »

By evoking the profile of the aggressor, the lawyer makes a point of specifying that this one had made boxing in his youth and puts forward his relational difficulties with the women. “He engages in Koranic songs and refuses any contact with them”.

The inmate locked himself in religion

The deputy prosecutor, for her part, notes that the defendant did not deign to appear before the court, categorically refusing his transfer from the Nancy-Maxéville remand center to the judicial city. “He always refused to explain himself, even during the hearings. His victims have all been marked in their flesh and one can understand the psychological trauma they endure. Mr. Jeffal is a dangerous person who locked himself in religion and walled in silence… He was supposed to be released from prison in November and he refused all proposals submitted to him to prepare for his reintegration. »

The representative of the prosecution requires 5 years in prison against the defendant, with continued detention. The court finally decides to reduce the sentence to 4 years in prison with a ban on possession of a weapon for five years. The civil interest hearing was adjourned to December 4.

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