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Injured Russian soldiers sent to hospital in Belarus – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The German broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) has spoken to anonymous hospital staff in several cities in Belarus.

According to a doctor in the town of Mazyr, Russian soldiers are seriously injured, many “without arms, legs, ears and eyes”.

Some come so late that they have to amputate their arms and legs due to cold sores, according to the doctor. Most must be very young.

– These are patients born in 2003, from poor regions in Russia, they are actually still children, the health worker says to German wave.

Another source claims to the newspaper that “non-stop” operations are carried out at a hospital in the town of Gomel, often 50 operations every night.

According to DW, their sources claim that the hospitals are overcrowded and that whenever possible, injured people are sent on by train to Russia.

The sources also claim that some of the soldiers have not eaten for several days, that they are disoriented and ask if they can be allowed to call home to their parents.

Uncertain numbers

It is difficult to verify reliable figures and other information from the war. A lot is propaganda.

The number of injured and fallen Russian soldiers in the Ukraine war varies greatly.

According to Russian authorities, it is less than 500. Ukrainian authorities claim the number of Russian soldiers killed is 14,200.

British and US intelligence believes that their calculations suggest that around 7000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the war so far.

Professor: Indicates that the reports are correct

The Wall Street Journal describes what is supposed to be a column of Russian buses marked with Red Cross symbols.

Professor at the Department of Defense Studies Katarzyna Zysk tells NRK that she has seen several sources that indicate that the reports from Belarus are correct.

Photo: The Armed Forces

According to the newspaper, there will be buses with “masked windows” that carry injured Russian soldiers.

Professor at the Department of Defense Studies Katarzyna Zysk tells NRK that she has seen several sources that indicate that the reports from Belarus are correct.

– Already a few days ago I saw various sources, photos and video clips from Belarus, which show for example cars with dead soldiers, which are transported when it is dark and easier to hide.

– There are also some sources that refer to those who work in the hospitals, who say that there are very many Russian soldiers lying there. But also very many dead Russian soldiers who are transported to Belarus and overfill morgues, says Zysk.

Afraid to talk

Deutsche Welle has been in contact with the Belarusian Medical Solidarity Foundation, which confirms that all hospitals are under strict control.

The security services KGB in Belarus and FSB in Russia have their people placed in all hospitals where Russian soldiers are treated, the organization claims.

– There are KGB or FSB people among the employees. All buildings are monitored. Many doctors who could speak have been removed and replaced by Russians, a spokesman for the organization told Deutsche Welle.

– Many hospital employees are afraid to talk about what they have seen or done.

The Ministry of Health in Belarus will not comment on the number of Russian soldiers in Belarus’ hospitals.

– It may be because Belarus does not want to be directly involved in the war, says Siarhei Bohdan at the Fridrich Meinecke Institute of History in Berlin.

– For Belarus, it is important to show that they are not actively involved with Ukraine at the same time as the country is forced to cooperate with Russia, Bohdan says.

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