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Injured community dog rescued after 12-year-old girl’s call for help – Hong Kong Animal Post

【Animal News】Adoption is the best life education for children. Ling Jie, a volunteer who lives in Cheung Chau, recently received a request for help from a 12-year-old girl, saying that she found a seriously injured community dog ​​with flies in Changgui Village. It turned out that the girl’s family had adopted a dog rescued by Sister Ling, so the girl immediately asked her for help when she found that the dog was injured, and it was this call for help that saved the dog. Sister Ling rescued the injured dog in the grass of Changgui Village. At first, the dog was afraid and wanted to bite her, but after returning to the kennel, the dog seemed to know that Sister Ling was helping him. He was very quiet and did not resist.

Sister Ling said that she received a 12-year-old girl’s request for help last week, and the other party provided photos, showing that the dog had a large wound near the tail and was infected by blackflies. The situation was very urgent. What moved her was that the girl’s family had adopted the dog she rescued, so when they saw an animal in need, they immediately contacted her.

Later, she received news that the Fisheries and Conservation Department had also received a report of a dog being injured. In order to save the dog before the Fisheries and Conservation Department, she rushed to Changgui Village the night before, and finally found lying on the grass in a garden. She was about to catch the dog into the cage, “He resisted and almost bit me, but even if he bites me, I will save him.”

The dog is estimated to be no more than 10 years old and has not yet been neutered. It is suspected that it was injured due to a fight with other dogs. Among them, there are large wounds on the back near the tail and inner thighs, and a large number of flies. “I took him back to Dongdi’s kennel first, and helped him sprinkle the powder and catch bugs. His wound was too big, so I made an appointment with the veterinarian for stitches two days later.”

Although the dog tried to bite her when he rescued the dog, but after returning to the kennel, the dog showed a kind side and became very calm. Even though Sister Ling helped him spray medicine and catch flies, he did not resist or get angry. evil. Sister Ling also said that the dog is very insecure. When there is no one in the kennel, he will keep barking. As a result, she has to suspend work and stay with the dog in the kennel so that he can feel at ease.

She said that the dog is actually very kind and gentle, so she will wait for the dog to recover before looking for an adoption for him. She also said frankly that it is raining frequently now, and many cats and dogs are likely to be injured by flies to make the situation worse. Therefore, she will provide insecticide powder and deworming medicine to Aunt the Dog, hoping that the other party can help in time injured dog.

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2023-06-14 05:55:44
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