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Initiative: Help for children who care for relatives

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It is the 12 year old who helps her mother from bed to wheelchair and into the bathroom every night. The elementary school boy who takes his younger siblings to kindergarten because the father cannot do it himself for health reasons. The girl who falls asleep in class because she has to do the housework at home and in between worries about her mom, who suffers from depression.

These are “Young Carers”, i.e. children and adolescents under the age of 18 who are responsible for taking on significant care activities that are usually only performed by adults or associated with adults. To support these children, Gudrun Kalchhauser launched the ” Young Carers ”was launched through the Red Cross.

The aim is to draw attention to the phenomenon and raise awareness of it in the health care system, says the Kremserin: “In this context, there are people who are overwhelmed with a situation because illness does not ask when it is convenient to enter a person’s life. Illness is there and people have to learn to deal with it overnight. “

It is important to perceive “Young Carers” and to see that they exist, that they are around us. Kalchhauser is convinced that “raising the population’s awareness of this issue is a prerequisite for good handling”.

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