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Initiative for more floors goes to the people

City of Zurich

Initiative for more floors goes to the people

After the proposal to be allowed to build an additional floor anywhere in the city of Zurich was narrowly rejected by the city parliament, enough valid signatures have now been submitted for the corresponding initiative.

One more floor everywhere? That would create more living space. But so far the idea has not been able to gain traction in the city of Zurich.

Theme image: Ralph Ribi

The initiative “More living space through building extensions” by the FDP, GLP, SVP and Mitte has come to fruition: Of the signatures submitted, more than 3,000 have been proven to be valid, as the city of Zurich announced on Wednesday.

With their municipal initiative, the four parties want to present the people of Zurich with an idea that did not find a majority in the city parliament last year: In the future, existing buildings should be able to be easily increased by one floor.

The initiative committee justifies its proposal by saying that this would allow new living space to be created quickly and efficiently. Densification through the addition of additional floors is compatible with the neighborhood. The existing tenants can stay in their apartments and the long-established population will not be displaced.

The idea was rejected in Parliament because of one vote

In the city parliament last year, the FDP, GLP, SVP and Mitte lost with their idea of ​​an increase. This was criticized by SP city councilor André Odermatt as a “one size fits all solution.” Not all parts of the city are equally suitable for inner-city urban development. The SP, Greens and AL narrowly won by voting no to the motion at the time, with 61 votes to 60. (sda/liz)

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