On the return from the winter school holidays which start this Saturday, February 18 for two weeks, high school students and students of the local public establishment for agricultural education and vocational training, the EPLEFPA or Jean-Monnet high school will carry out the Initiative Projects and communication, “PIC” which they presented during a press briefing.
One of the characteristics of agricultural education being the animation of the territory through events or demonstrations with societal, cultural, environmental, solidarity, economic dimensions… the program of “PIC” edition 2023 registered in the course of studies of the three promotions 2nd year of BTS in Management and Protection of Nature (GPN), Analysis and Management of Operating Systems (ACSE), Technical-Commercial products of the wood-forest sector (TECO), will take place from March 30. * Douze “PIC”. A 2023 edition whose program cannot be dissociated from the events organized as part of the centenary of the agricultural education establishment on the Acacias promenade. The organizing teams – that of the centenary around the headmaster Franck Bocher and Marc Beillot, that of the teaching team of socio-cultural education teachers for the “PIC” have both shed light on the establishment and several Vicquois sites and around ; precise announcements of dates and places will be disseminated by posters and the press.
Already, “Photogra’Vic” for an exhibition of animal photos on March 31 and April 1; “Behind the scenes of photography: animation, technique courses” on March 30 and 31; “Cinema debate around harassment” on April 5; “Olym’Vic: games and sports activities on the theme of inclusion through sport” on April 6; “Soirée Cantayre” at the OCTAV on April 7; “History of international cooperation”, another axis of the Jean Monnet establishment with exhibition/meetings on April 7 afternoon at the high school. Saturday April 8, a particularly rich and dense closing day, with an exhibition “Le lycée au fil du temps” at the lycée; strolling in the establishment of the “Chants Pyrénéens”; an “Inter’Vic” of fun team activities for voluntary visitors, before the concert at the OCTAV for the closing of the “Art’TERre” Festival on Saturday April 8 at 8:30 p.m.
Computer Pages (jean-monnet-vic65.mon-ent-occitanie.fr/), (www.facebook.com/lyceejeanmonnet65)