The Spanish politician Íñigo Errejónparliamentary spokesperson for the Sumar party, which governs in coalition with the socialists in Spainresigned this Thursday from all his positions after some anonymous complaints of sexist violence, posted on social networkswhich the politician himself admitted are true.
The 40-year-old Madrid politician published a letter on the social network having reached “the limit of contradiction between character and person”without giving many specific details.
His resignation, accepted by Sumar, comes in the middle of anonymous accusations of sexist violence for which the management itself has already opened an internal process.
After learning about them, the party contacted Errejón himself, who, according to sources, confirmed the facts, so the decision was made to demand the deputy’s certificate.
The resignation comes shortly after The journalist Cristina Fallarás published an anonymous testimony on her Instagram profile in which she spoke of a deputy (whose name was not mentioned) who was defined as “a psychological abuser.” and that different users related that testimony to the name of the former leader of Sumar and began to share other stories.
During the Correa government, the then number 2 from Podemos, Íñigo Errejóny Juan Carlos Monedero advised the Government of Ecuador through the Center for Latin American Strategic Studies of Geopolitics (CELAG).
Anonymous complaints on networks
Sumar’s own executive committee acknowledged having unanimously accepted his resignation – after Errejón himself sent a statement to this management body -, while announcing that it had already opened an investigation to gather information about the case.
The second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, said that the resignation is the result of the process opened by that formation before the testimonies about possible cases of sexist violence.
In a message on social network X, he clarified that «This week, Sumar has started a process to gather information about the testimonies that have emerged on networks about Íñigo Errejón. As a result of the process, today he leaves all his positions..
In the message, Díaz adds that the commitment of this formation “against machismo and for a feminist society is firm and without exceptions.”
The PSOE, an ally of Sumar, and Podemos, a left-wing party in which Errejón previously served, also reacted and did so by positioning themselves in favor of the victims and showing their concern about the accusations against Errejón.
sexist violence
The PSOE expressed its concern about the accusations, stressed that it will be “in favor of a feminist politics that acts harshly against those who exercise it” and stressed that the party always “He will be with the victims of sexist violence”.
The Podemos MEP and former Minister of Equality Irene Montero He asked, after learning of Errejón’s resignation and the anonymous complaints, to change the dynamics of the “rape culture.”
The resignation of Íñigo Errejón comes in the midst of the restructuring process of his Sumar party, which is planning to hold an assembly in mid-December to define its new organizational structure and its roadmap, a task in which until now it had a role. Errejón himself stood out.
Sumar is in a transition period after the resignation of Yolanda Díaz to continue as leader of Sumar due to the poor results of the European elections.
All of this at a very delicate political moment, in the midst of negotiations between Sumar and the PSOE for the 2025 budgets, where both parties remain far apart on issues such as fiscal policy and housing, and after the anger of the socialists with Sumar after that the latter voted with the conservative opposition of the PP last Tuesday on two initiatives in the Spanish Congress.
Hypocritical feminism
For its part, the PP asked the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, for explanations about the possible link between Íñigo Errejón’s resignation and accusations of sexist violence that “apparently were an open secret in all areas of the left.” .
“They knew it, they covered it up, they consented to it,” denounced the party’s deputy secretary of Mobilization and Digital Challenge, Noelia Núñez, in a video sent to the media in which she criticized the “hypocritical feminism” of the Spanish Government. EFE
#Íñigo #Errejón #resigns #accused #sexist #violence