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ING warns against aging fleet

Dutch car sales had a dramatic year in 2021. A major problem, according to ING, because low new sales are making the fleet older and older and slowing down sustainability.

In 2021, only 322,831 new cars received a Dutch registration. That is much less than a year earlier, when the corona crisis broke out and many factories had to close their doors. This is a decrease of 9.2 percent compared to 2020. You probably know the reason for this. By the world chiptekorten car manufacturers can produce much less than planned. This is reflected in the number of new car registrations.

To slow down

A major problem, as ING emphasizes once again today. Not only for car companies and people who have ordered their cars, but also for the world. Due to declining new sales, the fleet is getting older and sustainability is slowing down.

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ING is hopeful for 2022. It expects production and therefore the market to pick up again, because the chip shortages are less restrictive than in 2021. According to ING Research, about 370,000 new vehicles will be registered this year, which would represent a growth of mean 15 percent. This means that the Dutch market is still far from the level it was before the corona crisis. In 2018 and 2019, more than 440,000 new cars were given a brand new car yellow license plate.

Occasion continues to be popular

Nevertheless, ING touches on an important point: the used car trade. The Netherlands has always been a second-hand country due to the purchase tax, the well-known bpm, but that rose to a record high in 2021. Last year, the Dutchman bought more than 1.3 million used cars through a dealer. That is more than four times as much as the number of new sales and the second-hand market is not expected to give up anything in 2022. As a result, our fleet is expected to age further.

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Photo: Martijn Bravenboer

“The average age has risen to 11 in early 2021, with one in four cars being over 15 years old. Older cars drive more kilometers than before and that slows down sustainability”, says sector economist Rico Luman. “Road road pricing with differentiation according to emissions can clean up the fleet in the future, but that is only planned for 2030.”

You can apply for a subsidy for an electric car again

1 in 4 cars is electric

ING does report that the turnover of dealer companies is on the rise due to the used-hand trade. In 2021, the turnover level has already increased compared to the years before corona (+ 3 percent), and 2022 is expected to be an even better year. This also applies to electric cars. According to ING, their share will grow in 2022. This is partly due to the subsidy pot, which for this year is well filled with 71 million euros. At the time of writing, more than 50 million euros is still available. ING expects that 1 in 4 new cars this year will be fully electric, despite the higher addition rate and the lowered addition limit (16 percent and 35,000 euros).

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ING warns against aging fleet

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