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Infrastructure: Nyon dreams of a large sports park – News Vaud & Regions: La Côte

Nyonnais clubs have been waiting for decades for a new hall in Colovray. They can rejoice, this time it takes shape. But it’s all the physical activity enthusiasts who smile. Because the winning project will significantly strengthen the sporting vocation of the site, which already hosts football, rugby and athletics, while opening it up to all audiences. Colovray will become a sports park.

The multi-sports hall remains the highlight of the project. Under the name of Maison des sports, it will offer a triple room that will allow the basketball club’s elite matches to be held, in which both women and men participate in the National League A championship. Up to 2,000 spectators will be able to massage on the bleachers surrounding the field. Martial arts halls, climbing and weight training equipment are also provided. A cafeteria and changing rooms complete the program.

“A first Vaudoise”

Built of wood with the look of a large farmhouse, the building will blend into the rural landscape of the entrance to Nyon. But it will be remarkable for another reason. “All of the equipment will be reserved only for athletes, since they will not be attached to schools, said Stéphanie Schmutz, a municipal in Nyon. This is a first in Vaud for such an infrastructure. “

This independence will allow elite clubs to organize daytime training. Which is very difficult today in a room occupied by schools until 5.30 p.m. “We can develop a real sport policy for all those who practice it outside of clubs,” insists the municipal. Seniors, people with disabilities and stay-at-home parents can find slots to take advantage of the equipment. It will also be essential to allow women’s sport to develop. ”Opened two years ago, the Cossy sports complex, on the site of the new Haut des Nyon school, is already at its peak.

Around the hall, the public space will be redesigned. The large car park located north of the Swiss road will become a beautiful pedestrian esplanade. This will make the link between existing equipment and the new building. This first stage could be completed in 2023 if the Municipal Council gives its approval and if the investigation does not give rise to opposition.

A place for Knie

In a second step, a new skatepark will be built next to the Maison des sports, while a holiday square is planned on the Geneva side to accommodate in particular the Cirque Knie. Thirdly, the sports esplanade will be extended over the Swiss route, which will be tranquilized by measures to slow down, including a central planted island. The lake side parking area will be redeveloped to be green. In total, the sector will keep the current number of parking spaces.

The final step will be to build two new fields behind the Maison des sports to the west of the existing ones, used for football and rugby. The site will then include 9.

If the program is ambitious, it has a cost: more than 30 million francs. A study will have to specify the amount of the invoice before the request, in one year, for the realization credit. In a difficult financial situation, the City will have to find solutions to pay for the equipment. “We still have to think about how to invest, recognizes Claude Uldry, municipal building and finance. The option of a public-private partnership could be a solution. “

An exhibition of the eight competing projects is visible in a tent in the Colovray car park, until January 23, Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Created: 13.01.2020, 21h16

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