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Information video … how to treat gallstones in 7 steps

Gallstones are one of the common health problems that many are exposed to and affect their health, according to a website medicalnewstoday There are some tips for gallbladder patients to follow.

Advice for patients with gallstones

-1It is recommended to eat apple cider vinegar, as it works to promote the health of the immune system and the treatment of inflammation and stones.

-2Avoid eating fatty foods that contain a high content of oils and fats.

-3It is advised to divide the meals of the day into five meals in small quantities, free of fats and spices.

-4Drink plenty of natural fluids and juices rich in vitamins and nutrients.

-5Patients with gallstones and cholecystitis are advised to avoid foods high in sugars.

-6Not to take any medications except under the supervision of a doctor, some medications affect the health of the gallbladder and increase inflammation and pain.

7Patients with gallbladder inflammation and stones are advised to avoid drinking soft and alcoholic drinks and smoking.

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