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Information on the Joint Application 2024: Baden-Württemberg.de

The information on results from the AMS area monitoring system for the 2024 area checks for the joint application will be available from the end of August. The applications can be changed until 30 September 2024.

The area controls of the application geometries for all area measures of the Joint application with the participation of European Union (EU) funds (direct payments including Eco-regulations, Agricultural Compensation Allowance (AZL), Funding programme for agri-environment, climate protection and animal welfare (FAKT II), Landscape Management Directive (LPR-A), Environmental allowance for forests (UZW)) and for the Steep slope grassland promotion (SLG) are based on an automated analysis of Sentinel satellite data image series. This is called the “Area Monitoring System AMS”. The results from the AMS are made available to applicants in the system for Area information and online application (FIONA) made available so that, based on the results, application geometries or information on the area can be corrected if necessary. Changes can be made via FIONA up to and including September 30, 2024. In order for the changes to become valid, it is absolutely necessary that the application is resubmitted after a change.

The information from the satellite data analysis for the crops applied for is available to the applicant companies in FIONA and can be viewed in the “Maps” tab under the “Control through monitoring” category in the “Crop identification” map layer from the end of August 2024.

The map layers “Crop species recognition” and “Minimum activity/agricultural activity” are displayed by default and the result is shown for each individual subfield in traffic light colours. Green hatching means that the application details could be confirmed. Yellow hatching means that the AMS did not provide a clear result for the application geometry. In areas hatched in red, the application details could not be confirmed. Further information on the meaning of the traffic light colours and the options for responding to them can be found in the information sheet “Information on the area monitoring system AMS” (PDF) be taken.

Please note that the result displayed is based on the first evaluation based on the application geometries as of May 15, 2024. The traffic light colors of the results are not updated for new evidence or application changes. In a later satellite data evaluation, all application geometries changed after May 15 will be evaluated again and the result will again be made available in FIONA.

Evidence of partial hits with red result

For the verification of partial hits with red results, please note:

For each sub-field, the area monitoring system uses satellite data analysis to check whether the user code specified in FIONA matches the actual management of the sub-field and whether the respective management requirements have been met on the sub-field. For sub-fields marked in red, the system was unable to confirm the application details.

If the actual use and management of the subplot deviates from the information in FIONA, the application data must be changed in FIONA and the joint application must be resubmitted in FIONA by 30 September 2024 so that the changes are made known to the administration.

If the information provided so far is actually correct, it is possible to prove this by providing a photo (proof) of the respective part of the plot in the Profile app (bw) to record and upload. From the end of August 2024, the corresponding orders for submitting evidence for areas with red results will be made available in the profil (bw) app. The photo will be sent to the administration via the app in response to the corresponding order.

The latest version of the app profil (bw) is automatically updated when opened. The order list is updated using the button at the top right of the home page. The orders are then visible.

This year, Baden-Württemberg introduced the app “profil Baden-Württemberg” (short: profil (bw)) for applicants, which can be used to create and submit georeferenced photos as evidence as part of the area monitoring system. The app profil (bw) has been available since May 2024. Play Store or App Store available.

Evidence for partial fields with yellow result

For partial hits with yellow results, please note:

This is an indication that the AMS has not yet been able to make a final statement for the area as to whether the actual use of the area corresponds to the usage code specified in FIONA and whether the management requirements are met or not.

For these areas, too, it is possible to check up to and including September 30, 2024 whether the application details actually correspond to the local conditions. If this is not the case, the application geometries or the usage codes of the area in FIONA must be adjusted to reflect the actual conditions or the requested measure for this area must be withdrawn. In these cases, the application must be resubmitted via FIONA by September 30 at the latest.

Check for further errors and information by September 30, 2024

In this context, it is important to note whether there are further errors and notes for the application in FIONA. These can also be corrected until 30 September 2024 (see Information sheet (PDF) of July 15, 2024 on the FIONA homepage: “Notes on processing errors and notes in FIONA until September 30, 2024”). In order for the changes made to become legally effective, the application must be submitted again electronically.

Sanction-free adjustments to the application details will no longer be possible after September 30, 2024.

In the “Maps” tab under the “Control through monitoring” category, the “agricultural activity” map layer also provides the first information on compliance with agricultural activity (management) on grassland. If results are shown in yellow or red and the areas are not yet managed, this is a warning that agricultural activity on an area has not yet been determined and that there may still be the possibility of doing so or changing the application details accordingly. The result of the final evaluation will be made available in FIONA in mid-November.

The test results for the map level “Compliance with sowing date” will be made available at the end of August. The test results for the map level “Compliance with protection period” will be posted in mid-September.

Detailed information can be found in the leaflet “Notes on area monitoring” (PDF) of 26 August 2024 on the FIONA homepage at “Instructions and manuals” be taken.

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