Home » today » World » Information on 974,428 Salvadorans leaked – 2024-09-07 10:31:49

Information on 974,428 Salvadorans leaked – 2024-09-07 10:31:49

Samuel Amaya


Once again, the hacker group calling itself “Cyber ​​Intelligence SV” leaked data that should only be available to the Salvadoran government. It is a database containing personal information on 974,428 Salvadorans, who are contributors to the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS).

The long list includes information on employees in the country’s public and private sectors, as well as the addresses where these companies are located and the hundreds of employees who contribute to the ISSS.

The data of Salvadorans contains: full name, DUI number, and NIT, personal residential address and telephone numbers, as well as the ISSS affiliation number.

This same group has already revealed another database some time ago; in July of this year, it leaked an Excel document where all the legislative employees belonging to the Nuevas Ideas faction were allegedly listed; they totaled 450 employees, including makeup artists, models, photographers, and former TV presenters who were strongly criticized by the public.

The Bukele government has not commented on this issue; it has acted with secrecy despite the importance that the issue requires. Nor has the ISSS reacted to the issue.

#Information #Salvadorans #leaked

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