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Information event on the University of the 3rd Age (U3L) summer semester 2024 offerings – Bockenheim campus and online options

Information event on April 4th on the Bockenheim campus of the Goethe University and online

Thursday, April 4th, the University of the 3rd Age (U3L) presented an information event on the occasion of the upcoming summer semester 2024; was invited to the lecture hall H IV on the Bockenheim campus and online via Zom.
This already hinted at an important point: courses that are offered in person, online, or as a hybrid event:
Lecture hall or screen? For older students, online and face-to-face courses are equally attractive. Online events, which were newly introduced at the University of the 3rd Age (U3L) during the Corona pandemic, will also complement the U3L’s tried and tested face-to-face offering in the 2024 summer semester.“ – that’s what the invitation said.
Around 50 people took part in the event online and more than 200 were present.

In addition to the extensive information material that the U3L already has on the Internet www.u3l.uni-frankfurt.de offers, a few key topics were addressed:

  • the range of courses is aimed at everyone; There are no age limits and a high school diploma is not required
  • the tuition fee is €150.00 per semester; Discounts are possible
  • Every student puts together his or her own timetable from the entire range of events on offer; Exams and tests are not carried out.
  • A small downer for the Kalbach-Riedbergers: most face-to-face events take place in Bockenheim. Only two events are offered on the Riedberg campus (see below).

The U3L’s range of courses includes a variety of disciplines from the humanities, economics and natural sciences; Courses on gerontology and medicine, legal and medical topics, and even a supporting sports program are also part of the offering. For decades, courses in the areas of art history, history and philosophy have been at the forefront.
The formats of the individual courses also differ considerably: ranging from lectures with a few hundred listeners to seminars in small groups, some of which are even self-organized.

The events (lectures, seminars and project groups) take place as

  • Face-to-face events (mainly on the Bockenheim campus, approx. 50 events)
  • Online events (video conferences with Zoom and lecture recordings, here too around 50 events)
  • Hybrid events (online with occasional face-to-face appointments,
    7 events).

While 3,600 students were registered at U3L in the winter semester of 2019/20 (before the corona pandemic), 2,707 people registered in the winter semester of 2023/24. However, the pre-Corona numbers remain the goal: “We want to get back there,” as Ms. Silvia Dubo-Cruz, head of the office, emphasizes.

Ms. Elisabeth Wagner, research assistant, provided some information on the subject of registration:

  • You can register now until April 30th;
  • The lecture period begins on April 15th and the semester ends on July 19th
  • The best way for those interested to register is via the U3L homepage: the registration form for initial registration can be found there
  • The payment request is then sent via email; After receipt of payment, U3L issues a student ID card, which is delivered by post; The registration details for online access will be communicated via email.
  • It is not necessary to register again for people who have already been enrolled at U3L: interested parties only transfer the registration fee for the coming semester and the university will reactivate online access. (The validity of the student ID card may need to be extended.)
  • You don’t have to register for the individual courses; One registration is valid for all courses
  • It is also not necessary to deregister – it is always possible to suspend one or more semesters
  • It is important to register for online access to the OLAT platform (Online Learning and Training): OLAT is the central e-learning platform of Goethe University. Every U3L course is designed as a course on the platform. Materials are stored in the various courses from the start of the lecture, such as texts, presentations, if necessary access links for online events, videos and podcasts. Messages can also be sent, tasks can be set and discussion forums can be set up.

The U3L is a registered association at Goethe University. A statute regulates the work of the association’s committees and membership. Unfortunately, U3L students cannot use the university’s courses (seminars and lectures) or the university’s own WiFi; The cafeteria is open (the prices are not reduced, however) and the university library.

(Teaching) events on the Riedberg campus:

1. Flora Incognita: A treatise against plant blindness

Plant blindness is a scientifically proven phenomenon. Many modern people perceive plants, at best, as a green “background” to actual life. The following still applies: without plants, no humanity. Where does our oxygen come from? Which parts of your car are made from plants? How does Madagascar periwinkle cure cancer? What exactly are we eating? And how do plants move and move us culturally and aesthetically? With these and other questions we will approach the topic of the complex ways in which the fates of humans and plants have influenced each other at all times.

DATE Wed 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., from May 22nd, 2024
ROOM N/B3, building N100, Biozentrum
FORMAT face-to-face event

2. Guided tour around and into the Riedberg science campus

The Science City with the teaching and research buildings on the Riedberg campus as well as the non-university science institutions continues to change. The groundbreaking ceremony for the chemistry building took place in an open field in 1973, and now, just 50 years later, a spacious successor complex is being built. Construction work for the last department that will get to know the campus – “Computer Science and Mathematics” – will only begin in 2023. Of course, as usual, we will also get to know one or two institutions from the inside. In addition, we are also observing a change in the residential and commercial world in the Riedberg district, because here too, new needs and climatic challenges are making the previous concepts look “old”.

The tour begins promptly at 2:00 p.m. on Riedbergplatz at the U8/U9 stop “Uni-Campus Riedberg” on the corner of Riedbergallee and Otto-Schott-Straße. Please note that we have to walk longer between the buildings for this tour.

MANAGEMENT Dispute, Bruno
DATE Thu, April 11, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m
MEETING POINT Riedbergplatz
FORMAT face-to-face event

Registration required by April 8th, 2024:
[email protected] or 069 / 798-28861

Important links:

the U3L home page, with registration form and OLAT event list

The event directory for the summer semester 2024 and important details about registration and events:

Further support can be found in the U3L office:

U3L office
Bockenheim campus
New cafeteria, 4th floor, room 425
Bockenheimer Landstrasse 133
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069 / 798 – 28861
Fax: 069 / 798 – 28975
E-Mail: [email protected]

Office hours
on site: Tue, Wed, Thu 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
availability by telephone
Mon to Thu 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. & 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m

2024-04-06 22:16:13
#Start #semester #University #3rd #Age #presents #program

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