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‘Information about the effect of gas extraction under the Wadden Sea near Ternaard is still insufficient’

More research is needed into the consequences of gas extraction under the Wadden Sea near Ternaard in Friesland. This is what the Environmental Impact Assessment Committee states in an advisory report to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.

Outgoing Minister Blok of Economic Affairs wants to give NAM permission for gas extraction in the area. He says he has no legal options to refuse the permit for the extraction.

According to the committee, the environmental impact report on gas extraction lacks “essential information” on a number of points Omrop Fryslân.

More information is needed about the consequences for the deep subsidence, the small salt marsh areas and the breeding birds. Moreover, it is not yet clear how much nitrogen is emitted and what the consequences are for archaeological treasures such as shipwrecks on the seabed. This also applies to the potentially harmful consequences for the soil during the construction of a gas pipeline from Ternaard to Moddergat.

Control on small gas field

If gas extraction at Ternaard is allowed, the consequences for the environment and nature must be monitored continuously, the committee says. There is a system for this for larger gas extraction areas, but it is still unclear whether this will also work for the smaller gas field near Ternaard.

Nature organisations, the Frisian Provincial Council and the municipality of Northeast Friesland have protested against the proposed gas extraction.

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