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Infonavit Points: How to Check Your Score and Apply for a Mortgage in Mexico

The goal of many people today, both in Mexico and in the rest of the planet, is to have a house in their own name. Unfortunately, to achieve this you have to go through a mortgage to get all the money necessary to make the purchase. But not everyone is granted a mortgage and for the same value, but it will vary depending on the personal situation.

In the event that you are interested in having a mortgage and contribute as a worker to Infonavit, you have to know that You are assigned specific points depending on your personal situation. This is something really important, since depending on the number of points awarded, you will be able to access a more or less large mortgage.

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The number of points that each person has are fully accessible, and also those necessary to access the amount of money that will be granted in the credit. The minimum requested in 2024 is to have 1,080 points and obviously have a current employment relationship or have social benefits. Logically, they ask you to work to have a source of income and be able to ensure that you will pay the loan.

Having more or less score before the Infonavit will depend on different factors such as age, salary, information about the company where you work or even the result of the consultation made to the Credit Information Companies. The latter is really important, since will mark your payment history to others to find out if you meet the deadlines and also how much they have borrowed from you.

To be able to resolve doubts and consult all this data you will have to access the ‘My Infonavit Account’ website, Here you will have to create a new account or log in with your personal data. To create it you will have to have your social security number, CURP, RFC, as well as the email and telephone number. Obviously, you will have to have a password to access it along with your SSN whenever you want.

By accessing this web page, you will be able to see different information about all your points. Specifically, we are going to see these important points:

  • Infonavit Credit: the amount of money that they will be able to grant you, with a maximum of 2.6 million pesos, in the event that you have a job.
  • BUILD: credit for the construction of a new home.
  • In credit: As its name indicates, the credit will be used for the construction of land to later build a house.
  • Payment of liabilities: a loan that is designed to pay the financing that has been made in another bank.

This way, you will have all your points to know if you can afford to have a house in your name under a mortgage, but also its value. In this way, you will be able have clear information about what you will allow yourself and to request it with a little more security.

Images | Towfiqu barbhuiya

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2024-03-16 17:06:28
#Infonavit #points #needed #purchase #house

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