Home » today » Business » Infonavit now asks for 1,080 points to request a loan

Infonavit now asks for 1,080 points to request a loan

Previously, the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) requested a minimum of 116 points from workers who wanted a loan from the institute. Now, from a series of modifications that were made to the rules for granting mortgage loans, interested workers will need a minimum of 801 points onwards.

The increase does not imply that the beneficiaries will have to work many more years to access a loan, since Infonavit will now take into account other criteria to score workers, such as their age, the amount they have saved in the housing subaccount and their salary. .

In total, with the new rules, Infonavit will take into consideration a total of seven factors to determine the workers’ points:

  1. Age and salary. In consideration of the integrated monthly salary of the worker, including their benefits, as well as their age, they can be accumulated up to a maximum of 235 points.
  2. Savings in housing subaccount. This factor accumulates points every time an amount equal to an integrated monthly salary is added. The maximum number of points that can be obtained in this way is 124.
  3. Continuous quotation. The longer the worker has been contributing, the more points he will have. The maximum that can be obtained for this concept is 191 points.
  4. Type of worker. It is considered whether the worker has a permanent or temporary contract. The maximum that can be obtained for this concept is 123 points.
  5. Job stability. At this point, Infonavit evaluates the retention of personnel that the company for which the beneficiary works has had the last three years. Up to 130 points can be added.
  6. Company payment behavior. Infonavit will evaluate how well the company works for the worker. If the company complies fully, the worker will be able to obtain 129 points.
  7. Context. The location and business of the company is taken into account. Up to 243 points can be scored.

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