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Infonavit changes scoring system

The Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) announced changes in its scoring system to grant financing, so now the body will require that the accredited potential collect a minimum of 1,080 points, and not the 116 of the scheme previous.

According to the agency, this does not necessarily mean that the borrower needs to meet more requirements, but now the agency will take into account other factors to award the score, not only age, salary or savings in the housing subaccount, as before .

“If the company you work for fulfills its responsibilities in a timely manner, and you promptly comply with your small payments with other institutions or the monthly payments of your credit card, getting a loan may be easier,” said the agency in a statement.

For the agency, the most important changes for this new scoring scheme are: prequalification will be with a minimum of 1,080 points; the credit report of the beneficiary will be evaluated; the compliance of employers for employer fees will be taken into account; It will no longer be mandatory to have a continuous year of work and job stability will be evaluated.


Infonavit highlighted that having a formal job at the time of initiating the formalization of the credit will continue as the most important factor for the delivery of financing; however, now, one year of work seniority will no longer be required to obtain the loan.

“The good news is that now, even if you lose your job, as soon as you resume your working life, Infonavit will no longer ask you for a year of seniority to get a loan, since the rest of your information supports you,” said the agency.

The State mortgage company explained that it also seeks to favor the beneficiaries who do not plan to apply for a loan to the body, since it will seek that their savings generated in the institution generate specific returns, with the payments made by the borrowers.

“With this new scheme we win each and every one, even those who do not have plans to apply for a loan from Infonavit, since the savings in the housing subaccount, to which the employer’s payments are added every two months, generates safe returns with the payments of all the people who have a valid credit ”, highlighted the organization.

The state mortgage company stated that it also seeks to prevent the loan it grants from becoming a burden for the rightholder, so the recommendation is to allocate about 30% of the salary to the mortgage payment.

“Remember that the recommendation is to allocate about 30% of your salary to the payment of your mortgage and, with all the information that make up your points, we will make sure that you do not allocate more than that percentage to your credit,” highlighted Infonavit.

The changes in the scoring scheme are part of the actions that Infonavit has carried out in recent months, which will lead to various changes in its operating model, such as a new credit product that will have a lower interest rate compared to the one you currently drive.

It is expected that in the coming days the body, headed by Carlos Martínez, will announce its new products derived from the regulatory changes to the Infonavit Law that were promulgated last December and that both its board of directors and its assembly have approved.

Changes in scoring system:

  • Prequalification will be with a minimum of 1,080 points.
  • Credit report will be evaluated.
  • Employer compliance will be taken into account.
  • It will no longer be mandatory to have a continuous year working.
  • Job stability will be evaluated.

Source: Infonavit

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