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INFOGRAPHICS. Coronavirus Covid-19: 978 dead in hospitals, 75 people in intensive care in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

What is the latest information communicated?

758 people remain hospitalized for serious forms of COVID-19, including 75 in intensive care.
3,029 people have now been discharged from hospital.
The number of deaths since the start of the epidemic stands at 978 in hospitals.

For medico-social establishments, mainly nursing homes, the figure stood at May 15 at 636 deaths in medical-social establishments.

Screening continues in an aggressive case identification strategy: more than 810 new test results were recorded yesterday in the region, including 14 positive results.


At the start of the week, the Regional Health Agency reacted to the announcement of 25 new clusters in France identified since the deconfinement. Two are in Burgundy Franche-Comté according to the Ministry of Health. For the director of the ARS, Pierre Pribile, the term of clusters brings together situations a wide variety of situations. 3 people alone can compose a “cluster” within the term health. Read our article.

A new barometer

Since Monday May 11, the level of the epidemic is no longer measured only by the number of hospitalizations but also by the tests performed more systematically. The results of 3,500 tests were communicated by the laboratories to the health authorities this week, and 48 were positive.
More than 220 patients or contacts are listed in Contact Covid.

Last week, the ARS announced a daily testing capacity of 3,700 to 4,000. We are far from it. “But we still have it under our feet,” specifies Pierre Pribile, the director general of ARS. We can get in charge. “

Two types of profiles are tested:
– people with symptoms and whom their doctor has sent to a laboratory for analyzes with a prescription
– people contacted by health insurance – the famous covid brigades – as being likely to have been around infected people.

Public spaces: Continue the usual cleaning of the roads

In the absence of scientific argument justifying the interest of disinfecting the roads to prevent risks of virus transmission, and in view of the potential environmental impacts, the High Council for Public Health recommends:
-not to implement a specific cleaning or disinfection policy for the roads in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic
-to continue to provide the usual cleaning of roads and street furniture with the usual protective equipment of professionals

The evolution of the coronavirus epidemic

The infographics below are updates automatically from data published by Santé Publique France on the management of patients with Covid-19 in hospitals since March 18. The update generally takes place around 7 p.m. each day.

The good news in all of these figures: the number of people returning to their homes following an improvement in their state of health is increasing day by day thanks to the work of nursing staff from hospitals in our region.

Details by department

The situation is very different depending on the departments of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Some have few cases while others have hundreds. Discover the detail of the data in the eight departments of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Identification and testing of contact cases

If a person is tested positive, work to identify all those who have had close contact with them will be undertaken. These contact cases will be tested and asked to isolate if they are positive.
From May 11, the “contact tracing” system, namely the detection of contact cases, will have a major role in the fight against the spread of the virus on our territory.
These contact cases will be identified by:

  • health professionals (general practitioners in particular) mobilized on the front line to search for contact cases in the family unit,
  • the Health Insurance teams which will constitute telephone platforms in each department. They will be responsible for identifying contact cases beyond the family unit, calling them and inviting them to be tested for possible isolation.
  • General practitioners will be the first links in the system. They will have to find and report to Health Insurance the people with whom their symptomatic patient will have been in contact in order to help their identification. These will primarily be people who live in the patient’s home, but also people who have had contact with them within 48 hours of the onset of their first symptoms.

A website to find out if you are infected with coronavirus

A website has been put on line to help those who wonder if they have been infected with the coronavirus: we can assess its symptoms and be advised on what to do.

The site maladiecoronavirus.fr allows you to take an anonymous and free “test”: you must answer 24 questions relating to your symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, muscle aches …) but also to your medical history and age.

The first signs of COVID-19 are cough and fever. A person who experiences these symptoms is invited to stay at home by limiting their contacts, the disease curing in the vast majority of cases, with rest.

A volunteer platform

Launched throughout France, the platform “lend a hand” met with great success: 1,500 volunteers declared nationwide in three days, including 200 for Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
Purpose of this device : match an offer of volunteers with skills outside the field of care, with the need for ad hoc reinforcements from health establishments and
medico-social. Whether these needs relate to reception, administration, communication, IT, logistics or catering …
Anyone whose job profile allows them to lend a hand for a few hours or a few days can apply on the site: https://www.pretermainforte.fr/

This service completes the system # Reinforcements-Covid which allows the meeting between the urgent needs of health and medico-social establishments and the skills of caregivers (students, active, retired …).
More than 2,440 volunteers have declared themselves on the site on which 470 establishments have registered.
1,200 requests for reinforcements were made, mainly for the skills of assistants
and nurses. Over 440 needs have already been met.

In Burgundy Franche-Comté, 10 establishments are empowered to care for the sick

  • Besançon University Hospital – Coronavirus reference center
  • CHU de Dijon – Coronavirus reference center
  • Auxerre and Sens hospitals
  • Chalon-sur-Saône and Mâcon hospitals
  • the Nevers urban center
  • the hospital of Lons-le-Saunier
  • Nord-Franche-Comté hospital
  • Vesoul hospital

Reminder of barrier measures to limit the spread of the virus

  • Wash your hands very regularly
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue
  • Greet without shaking hands, avoid kissing
  • Use disposable tissues.
  • Stay at home

What to do if you think you have been infected with coronavirus?

In the event of signs of respiratory infection (fever or feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing) in an area or within 14 days of returning from an area where the virus is circulating:

  • Contact Samu Center 15 to report your symptoms and your recent stay.
  • Avoid contact with those around you.
  • Wear a mask (on medical prescription).
  • Do not go to your doctor or to the emergency room, to avoid any possible contamination.
  • A toll-free number answers your questions about the Coronavirus COVID-19 permanently, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week: 0 800 130 000.

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