Creating an infographic yourself is not that difficult. We’re sharing tips on how to create an infographic that has the potential to go viral.
Educational content works well on social media. Anyone who manages to pack informative content well has often created content that is gladly shared on platforms such as LinkedIn or Instagram. Loud Social Marketing Expert Jeff Bullas Infographics are shared 2.3 times as often as regular blog posts. Reason enough to dare to create it yourself: But how do you create an infographic with the potential to go viral? Bullas has on exactly this topic – right! – created an infographic. According to him, the main points to consider are the following:
- Include a number in the title
Pro tip: Odd numbers have a click through rate that is 20 percent higher than even numbers.
- Use an eye-catcher as a cover photo
Pro tip: The formats of the different social platforms should be taken into account.
- Choose a simple color combination
Pro tip: If simple and visually appealing colors are used, users read your content 80 percent more often.
- Write in an easy-to-read font
Pro tip: Even if the selection in your graphics program is tempting, stick to a tried and tested, legible font.
- Divide your graphic into several sections
Pro tip: When dividing your graphic into meaningful sections, make sure to number them. So the readers know how much content they can expect.
Here’s how to make a good infographic
Below you will find the complete infographic with further tips from the expert.