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Influenza: SSN Nayarit predicts an increase in infections during the winter – El Occidental

Tepic, Nayarit (OEM-Informex) .- To have a better distribution of vaccines against influence several have been installed forms in public squares Nayarit.

This was reported by the head of the Nayarit Health Services (SSN), Francisco Munguía Pérez, who explained that 370,000 doses have been allocated for this winter period for the Entity.

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The vaccination campaign will be in effect until May and for the time being they will be able to go to health centers and state hospitals. The vaccine recalled that it is free and is aimed in the first phase at risk groups, such as the elderly.

To conclude, Francisco Munguía Pérez added that 60 cases have been recorded so far, however he warned that this figure could increase in the cold months, hence the importance of getting vaccinated.

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