Fitness influencer LeaLovesLifting (25) turned to all Instagram users on Tuesday with a request and called for attention and respect for women.
To water – Fitness influencer LeaLovesLifting (25) from the Central Hesse Gießen supplies their followers Instagram usually with tips on the subject of “healthy and fast weight loss”. But the student of sports science repeatedly expresses herself with longer statements on socio-political issues.
On Tuesday, the 25-year-old addressed her around 129,000 followers with a longer explanation.
The reason for this was a comment that LeaLovesLifting apparently received some time ago from an unknown Instagram user about one of her posts on the social media network when she had put on some weight.
This read: “The female body looks really good on you, hug yourself and love yourself, you look great” (Spelling corresponds to the original).
LeaLovesLifting pointed out that such comments are usually taken as compliments, yet they are “overbearing and outrageous” unless the person making the comment is specifically asked for their subjective opinion.
In fact, the comment by the unknown Instagram user can be understood to mean that a lean, muscular body is not a feminine body.
LeaLovesLifting accordingly emphasized that her body is a female body even if it was well trained.
Against this background, the influencer formulated a request to her followers, which is probably also addressed to all other Instagram users.
“Stop evaluating and commenting on the appearance, figure, etc. of other people and supposedly compensating for your own problems with such comments,” wrote the 25-year-old.
Appropriately, she also asked: “When do you notice that you are not satisfied with your body yourself and are therefore happy when others move away from YOUR ideal?”
In conclusion, LeaLovesLifting warned that anyone who reduces femininity to “individual, insignificant characteristics” has “little respect for femininity and other women”.