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Influencer Has Her Instagram Account Hacked, Hacker Apologizes

It is a widespread evil, often inevitable. Successful influencers are regularly victims of hacking. But sometimes miracles happen, and these mishaps can have a happy ending. The story of Marine Thyreau, reported by Free Maine, is an illustration of this.

Under the pseudonym @tyu_marine, this mother shares her daily life through that of Ayden, her youngest son. Nearly 3 years old, the little boy suffers from end stage renal failure and is patiently waiting for a donor for a transplant. In its fight, the Sarthoise can rely on the unwavering support of a solid virtual community. His Instagram page now totals 38,000 subscribers.

On December 7, his account was the target of a computer attack. That day, the young woman receives a message on her phone asking her to confirm her identity. It does so mechanically, before turning back. As night fell, his account became inaccessible: the damage was done, the pirate struck.

A convincing argument

While browsing the account of her spouse, she notes that many of her posts have been deleted. In an emergency, the influencer creates a new page to inform her community of this incident. This done, she initiates the planned procedure by reporting her situation to the Instagram platform.

Thanks to the report, the Sarthoise can reclaim their account the next day. Marine then hastens to change her passwords. Alas, the pirate had already modified them for his benefit. To her amazement, she notices that he wants to start a dialogue. An electronic conversation begins.

By evoking the delicate situation of her child, the victim ends up reasoning with her thief. Touched, the cyber delinquent gives him back his precious access keys. Understanding the gravity of his act, the individual will not fail to apologize, before returning to crouch in the shadow of anonymity.

A hacking story with a happy ending, a light parenthesis in the middle of 2020 …

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