For the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit which opened in Saint Petersburg, the President Vladimir Poutine showed himself to be particularly attached to the cause of Africa. The Russian president began by announcing the supply of wheat to six countries on the continent: Burkina Faso, CAR, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe. A first gesture in the promise he had made to Africa. But already a concrete act that African leaders have welcomed, as the whole world is struggling to meet its cereal needs in general and wheat in particular. The Russo-Ukrainian war handicapping the distribution of this commodity whose production is largely held by the two belligerents. And the agreement signed between the two neighbors has not been renewed, under the background of the latent crisis between Russia and the great powers which support Ukraine in this war. As a result, Russia has imposed its blockade in the seas it controls and Ukrainian wheat cannot leave its ports.
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Moreover, the reform of the Security Council of theUnited Nations (UN) worries both Russia and African countries: Russia is for a reform of the United Nations Security Council said Vladimir Putin. Africa has come to seek Russia’s support for entry into the United Nations Security Council. Plea officially brought by Azali Ansouman, the Comorian president and current chairman of the African Union. But also, by Paul Biya of Cameroon and dean of African presidents. Paul Biya regret ” that Africa is still under-represented in international organizations; I am thinking particularly of the UN “. The doyen of African Heads of State is counting on the Russian guide. ” Africa can count on the Russian Federation “, launched the Cameroonian president. Preaching to a convert.
Paul Biya as defender of Africa
For the rest, the dean of the African Heads of State welcomed the initiative of this summit which is in its 2nd edition. ” This summit will help strengthen cooperation between Africa and Russia “, he greeted. This summit is held in the midst of the war between Russia and Ukraine. War in which the Western world has sided with Ukraine and is trying in vain to asphyxiate the giant of Eastern Europe; and that Vladimir Putin’s country is seen as plague-stricken by supporters of Ukraine. But Africa massively attended this summit. It is that ” the interest that the Russian Federation has for Africa is old; in the 1960s, Russia provided Africa with sincere and effective support in the struggle for accession to sovereignty“, underlined the man whose country particularly benefited from this support, in the face of a France jealous of its position of guardianship which it transformed into a colonist. For the 90-year-old man who has been in business for 61 years, including 41 in the supreme office, “ the Economic and Humanitarian Forum is the continuation of this cooperation which has been beneficial for Africa».
After having played the spokespersons of Africa, the Cameroonian number one will defend the colors of his only country. This will be during an interview scheduled for this afternoon with the guide of the Russian Federation. The two countries will discuss their bilateral relations, and certainly security issues. Russia has played a major role in the fight against the terrorist sect Boko Haram which is rampant in the Far North region. And in 2021, the two countries renewed their military cooperation.