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Inflation is destroying money – these six stocks hold …

The central banks, which are actually responsible for price stability, are in a dilemma and cannot get the rapid inflation under control. If you want to protect yourself from inflation, you can take a look at these six high-dividend stocks.

Even if the US Federal Reserve will soon begin tightening its monetary policy. And even if the British central bank surprisingly raised the key rate on Thursday. And even if, on top of that, even the European Central Bank is now tightening its monetary policy – well, more symbolically – nobody can believe in a rapid decline in inflation. The strongest wave of inflation in decades will therefore continue.

Because real interest rates remain negative and the investment crisis persists, there is hardly any way around stocks to at least secure or even increase wealth. Unfortunately, this cannot be done without a certain risk. And in 2022, given the very high prices and the uncertain corona situation, this will not be smaller, but rather larger.

Time to check the securities account for dividend shares and add some to it if necessary in order to – apart from the share price – achieve at least a certain regular return on the capital invested. Who is available for this?

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