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Inflation is also affecting Mallorca

Effects of inflation on Mallorca: what has become really expensive on the island?

At the end of the year, Balearic families will have to spend 80 euros out of 100 earned on the house and on utilities, giving up other expenses such as school meals or medical care not covered by the public system due to inflation.

This was explained on Thursday (01.12.2022) in Palma by the technician of the Foessa Foundation, Thomas Ubrich, who presented the main conclusions of the Spanish Foessa report “El coste de la vida y estrategias familiaris para abordarlo” (Mar cost of living and family strategies to cope with it).

In statements to the media, Ubrich explained that today a third of families are “overwhelmed” in terms of their ability to lead a dignified life. However, she added that the report does not include data from the autonomous regions and that the situation in the Balearic Islands is a little more favourable. In any case, the technician warned that for families the cost of housing – rent or mortgage – and utilities is becoming a “bottomless pit” on which they spend a large part of their income. In this way, other needs such as the school canteen or medical care such as dental or ophthalmological care, which are not or only partially covered by the national health system, would be neglected, the minister said.

In addition, spending on groceries will also be “drastically” reduced. Ubrich appealed in particular to the care of families with children and, regarding the housing shortage, stressed that the current figures for the construction of social housing are “scarce and insufficient” to meet the needs of the population. Foessa’s technician asked for “urgent” interventions to mitigate the immediate effects, but also the implementation of preventive health and educational measures.

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