Home » today » Business » Infinium, Backed by Bill Gates and Mitsubishi, Secures Amazon and American Airlines as Customers for Synthetic Fuel Production

Infinium, Backed by Bill Gates and Mitsubishi, Secures Amazon and American Airlines as Customers for Synthetic Fuel Production

Infinium is a company backed by Bill Gates and Mitsubishi that creates synthetic fuel from water and CO2. Their customers will now include both Amazon and American Airlines.

Until now, Infinium has been operating with the creation of a relatively small volume of synthetic fuel, however, the company is preparing to significantly expand production volumes, as the first large customers have appeared. Currently, approximately 8,300 liters of fuel are produced per day, but at full capacity it could be 3 million liters per year.


Since there are still industries where the transition to using electricity is not technically possible at all and will take a very long time, Infinium can offer its solution. One of the big customers is Amazon, which wants to use synthetic fuel in its supply chain while the electric car infrastructure is developed.

Aviation is also a particularly big challenge, where the fuel produced by Infinium can also be used. Synthetic fuel is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide from local refineries are then combined in a reactor using catalytic technology.

2024-04-13 08:00:00
#Bill #Gatesfunded #company #turns #water #carbon #dioxide #fuel

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