Home » today » Health » Infertility is increasing due to the rising age of marriage and delayed childbirth…the need for egg freezing procedures

Infertility is increasing due to the rising age of marriage and delayed childbirth…the need for egg freezing procedures

[메디컬투데이=최민석 기자] As the age of marriage increases and the timing of pregnancy and childbirth is delayed, the number of couples concerned about infertility is increasing. Infertility refers to the inability to become pregnant within one year despite having normal marital relations without using contraception.

In modern society, the infertility population is continuously increasing, and the reality that one in five newlywed couples is diagnosed with infertility is becoming increasingly common.

Looking at the causes of infertility, there are various factors such as uterine disease, ovulation disorder, decreased ovarian function, spermatogenesis disorder, and sperm migration, but as a woman ages, ovarian function declines and the success rate of pregnancy tends to decrease rapidly. Therefore, if you are planning to become pregnant, it is important to think about ways to protect your fertility before you get older.

▲ Director Kim Jae-won (Photo = Provided by Liora Women’s Clinic)

In this context, egg freezing is emerging as an important option for women who are delaying pregnancy. Egg freezing is a technology that guarantees the possibility of future pregnancy by collecting young, healthy eggs in advance and storing them frozen. Because egg quality deteriorates with age, it is wise to freeze eggs as young as possible. In particular, since egg quality declines rapidly after age 35, it is recommended to consider egg freezing before age 35.

The egg freezing procedure begins with superovulation induction, and eggs are collected according to the menstrual cycle and stored frozen. Afterwards, if necessary, pregnancy can be attempted through in vitro fertilization. Egg freezing acts like life insurance for future pregnancies and is an important tool to manage women’s reproductive health in advance.

When preparing for an egg freezing procedure, thorough preparation is required from the preliminary stage. Therefore, it is important to have sufficient consultation with the medical staff to determine whether the procedure is suitable for you and to make a treatment plan.

Kim Jae-won, director of Liora Women’s Clinic in Busan, said, “Preserving fertility in advance through egg freezing is emerging as an important task for modern women, as is detecting infertility problems early and receiving appropriate treatment.” He added, “Marriage and childbirth are delayed. “Egg freezing is an important procedure that expands women’s options,” he explained.

He added, “If you are planning to become pregnant later, it is a good idea to freeze your eggs in advance to protect your reproductive health.”

Medical Today Reporter Choi Min-seok ([email protected])

Naver Post

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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