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Infectious Disease Specialist Erika Vlieghe Discusses Covid, Measles, and Global Health Challenges in 2024

Just before the holidays, Belgium experienced the second highest corona peak ever. Yet infectious disease specialist Erika Vlieghe remains calm about it. ‘There have indeed been a lot of germs circulating in recent weeks, including Covid, but all in all it’s not too bad. Most of the sick were suffering from a bad cold. Sometimes there was some fever involved, but fortunately the impact on hospitals and residential care centers remained limited. This suggests that the vaccines are still doing their job well.’

We have now reached the twelfth corona wave, but Vlieghe is no longer keeping count. ‘After the omikron variant (the fifth wave, ed.) everyone lost track a bit. The question is also how useful it is to keep counting the waves. We are in the aftermath of the corona pandemic.’

Yet mention is made of the new pirola variant. What makes that variant so special that it deserves its own name?

Erika Vlieghe: It is a variant that has undergone quite a few mutations and therefore differs from its predecessors. We always view this with healthy suspicion, because mutations can make a virus more contagious, make people sicker or can escape existing immunity. So there is some concern behind it. In recent years we have learned that abnormal viruses can suddenly become very dangerous. Currently, it appears that this variant spreads easily, but also that it only makes people moderately ill. There are no reasons for concern for the time being, although we will of course continue to monitor this.

Is it true that pirola more often leads to complaints of diarrhea?

Flights: Over the past three years we have noticed that corona can manifest itself in different ways. We also saw in previous variations that people could suffer a lot from diarrhea. That is certainly not unique to the pirola variant.

Is it possible to have flu and Covid at the same time?

Flights: In principle that is possible. When we examine respiratory infections, we often see that several viruses or bacteria are present at the same time, but that does not mean that the patient necessarily shows symptoms of all those germs.

What can we do to protect ourselves?

Flights: Use our common sense. If you feel sick, stay home. Save those around you from the germs that made you sick. If you cough and sniffle, wear a mouth mask. No one likes such a mask, but it prevents the spread. Continue to ventilate areas well and practice good hand hygiene.

Measles is on the rise in several European countries. In 2023, Belgium had 52 infections. In 2022 there were only eight and in 2021 there were seven. Why the sudden increase?

Flights: This increase did not come suddenly. Even before the corona pandemic, we saw outbreaks in various places in Europe. This has to do with the decreased vaccination and protection rate. Measles vaccination is not carried out as accurately everywhere in the world, and there is a lot of traveling and migration. An outbreak often starts in population groups that are not or only partially vaccinated and then spreads to young adults who have not yet had their booster. The Department of Healthcare has run out of time website by the way, collected all useful information about vaccinations.

During the pandemic, the corona measures have not only kept Covid in line, but also other infectious diseases. The number of measles cases also fell during that period. When normal life started again, those numbers went up again.

So the anti-vaccination movement after corona is only part of the problem?

Flights: That’s right, it’s a combination of several factors. But willingness to vaccinate has indeed deteriorated since corona. That is dangerous, because measles is not just a cold, but a potentially life-threatening disease.

What are the major challenges for 2024?

Flights: The major challenges that we already faced before corona continue to exist: bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics and germs that we bring with us from distant countries. But global warming and wars also pose a threat to our health. Because they cause people to flee and often end up in small rooms, making infections spread easily. That is why it is important to provide decent shelter and good medical care for the most vulnerable population groups. We won’t be bored right away in 2024.

2023-12-30 04:00:54
#Erika #Vlieghe #measles #corona #outbreaks #Europe

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