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infection rate is declining, no new peak expected

We do not think that we will have a new peak in the coming days.“said Emmanuel André, the Covid-19 inter-federal spokesperson this Friday. during the daily press briefing of the Crisis Center and the FPS Public Health. He also confirmed that the strength of the virus was decreasing, with an infection rate estimated at 0.8 currently in Belgium.

But we know that what we do today has an impact two weeks later“, also warned Emmanuel André.”Each behavior will therefore have an impact in the next two weeks. If there is a loosening, we can expect to see the impact two weeks later“, he added.

The Crisis Center and the FPS Health also recalled that the typical infection rate for this virus is around three people, that is to say that an infected person infects on average three other people.

All the measures we are taking are aimed at slowing down the epidemic. Today in Belgium, a new infected person infects about 0.8 people, that is to say less than one person. This is proof that the measures taken have an effect on this epidemic. The closer we get to zero, the more we will regain control“said Covid-19 spokesman Emmanuel André.

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Belgium counts 5,163 people dead on Friday Covid-19 suites and 313 new deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.

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