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Infected with Monkey Pox Can Lead to Death Due to Brain Complications

JawaPos.com – A number of countries outside Africa began to report cases of deaths from monkeypox, such as India, Spain, and Brazil. Death occurred because the patient had complications or secondary infection.

The head of the Monkeypox Task Force, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI), Hanny Nilasari, said that monkeypox in the worst conditions could lead to death. This is also because the individual’s immune system is weak.

“If that person has a weak immune system, he or she can experience complications and die or die,” said dr. Hanny in a recent webinar.

Complications experienced can attack the brain to the respiratory tract. The risk or chance of death is 0-16 percent.

“For example, infections of the skin, respiratory tract, even brain infections and eventually death,” said dr. Hanny.

Other complications such as secondary infections of the respiratory tract, contaminated blood, brain infections, and eye infections. The worst symptoms of monkeypox can also be experienced by patients with comorbidities such as kidney system disorders, cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.

“If the infection is in the brain or attacks all organs of the body, it means that sepsis occurs, then the mortality rate is high,” he said.

Hanny said monkeypox did not result in death in patients with good immune conditions because it generally healed on its own. He said the incubation period of monkeypox begins with the virus entering the patient’s body until it causes symptoms in 1 to 4 weeks.

“This is also determined by one’s body resistance. If it is weak, it takes a rather long incubation,” he said.

“When you have recovered from smallpox, monkeys can be infected again. But if the immunity is good, usually the overall condition is good,” he concluded.

Editor : Banu Adikara

Reporter : Marieska Harya Virdhani

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