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Infected COVID-19 Leshchenko appealed to the Russians

In his publication, the singer thanked the fans who supported him with a flash mob and performed the song “Hope”. Leshchenko also noted that soon the situation with coronavirus will improve.

“Believe us, we will all soon recover, this world will change for each of us, and the values ​​will finally take on a true meaning,” the performer wrote.

On March 24, Lev Leshchenko and his wife were hospitalized in the city clinical hospital No. 40 in the Moscow village of Kommunarka. The artist was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. Two days later, the singer confirmed COVID-19. On March 31, it became known that Leshchenko’s health condition had improved: he was no longer undergoing oxygen procedures and transferred to his wife’s ward.

Read the material: “Doctors cannot understand the nature of Leshchenko pneumonia”

See the photo essay on the topic:

Coronavirus suspected of Lev Leshchenko: shots of his beloved singer

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