“Up brave boys, upstairs Inem students, for a better society, you have to fight, you have to win (bis).
We are the children of the people, yearning for knowledge. We will become free men, in the classroom and the workshop.
We condemn injustice, and the abuse of power.
We will fight for peace, and there will be a new dawn.
In the country and in the city, we have to see abundance. Yes to study and work we will know how to offer ourselves. The future will be ours, in the union is the power.
Never back, my companions, forward until winning “.
Every inemite has every stanza of that hymn written in his mind and heart written by the philosopher, theologian, priest and who was an excellent teacher at this school: Everardo Ramírez Toro. Tomorrow we will sing it in chorus again, as in the old days, with our right hand on our chest and our gaze fixed on the sky, in tribute to the 50th anniversary of its foundation, because our thanks to the José Manuel Rodríguez Torices Educational Institution , It’s infinite.
I consulted graduates of different classes about which teachers they remember, and this column definitely falls short of thanking all those who taught us with effort and dedication for so many years. However, I will try to copy some of the responses they sent me: “Fulgencio Batista, from Spanish, a quality of person”. Altamira Sierra, from Democracia. Woman of strong character, but with patience to teach ”. “Luis Segundo Montero, from Castellano, the most punctual, helpful and creator of the Inemita Theater Festival. He sent us to read one work a month ”. “Sixta Molinares”, “Nanci Guerrero”. “Yolanda Pérez Porto in painting and Édgar Avilán in music”. “Alfredo Sierra in French”, “Cáceres in mathematics”, “Callejas”, “Juan Torres in physics”. “Euclides Flórez Paternina, in whose civics classes, I discovered my vocation as a lawyer.” “Professor Roque, of Physical Education, my group teacher.” “José Ramón Trouchón was the one who woke me up my love for understanding mathematics, he had a saying: ‘this exercise is for engineers’”. “Another who also repeated a phrase was Professor Carlos Infante: ‘I am going to put 4 points, the first is made by everyone, the second by the one who studied, the third by the coconut, and the fourth by no one'” .
I’m running out of space on paper. I apologize to the graduates who wrote to me and that I could not add, but I could not finish without remembering what for me has been the best teacher in my life, Lucía Álvarez de Muleth, of mathematics, because in addition to numbers she taught values with her mettle , his smile, his dedication and divine belief. “Who read the news today?” He asked us after the Hail Mary.
What pride to be unmitigated!
Invitation: I invite all the inemitas from today to remember their best moments in the institution with the label on Twitter #DelInemRemember
See you tomorrow at school … (Read here: Tribute to Inem in its 50 years).
Addendum: I would like to interview Prof. Lucía, if anyone knows where I can get it, they can write to me: [email protected]
*Journalist. Master in Communication. General Editor of El Universal. Twitter: @javieramoz.
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