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Inegol Municipality misrepresented its population (Mayor: We solved the problem without going to Is Muge Anli)

The population signs in İnegöl district of Bursa confuse those who see them.

It is claimed that there are more than 300 thousand unregistered people in İnegöl district of Bursa, where 273 thousand 933 people live with the last census. The population signs placed by the Highways teams at two different points of the district contain different numbers.

On a sign, the figure is seen as 270 thousand. In other words, according to official figures, 3 thousand 933 people are missing here. On the other sign, the number is 274 thousand.

According to TURKSTAT data, the official population figures of İnegöl for 2019 are 273 thousand 933.


President Alper Taban used the statement, “We solved the problem without going to İş Müge Anlı”. However, according to official figures, the population of the district is 273 thousand 933. So this time 67 people seem to be more. Now there are 67 discussions in Inegol.

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