The economy in the Rhineland sees its situation somewhat improved compared to last autumn. In particular, the sectors that are strongly represented in Krefeld, such as the chemical industry, metal processing and food, report an improvement in the business situation, while plastics production and mechanical engineering at least do not report any deterioration. 68.3 percent of the chemical companies located in the Chemparks Krefeld, Leverkusen and Dormagen and at other locations in the Rhineland rate the situation as good or satisfactory and 31.7 percent as bad. In metal construction the ratio is 80.5 to 1.5 percent, in the food industry 86.8 to 13.2, in mechanical engineering 87.2 to 12.8 and in plastics production 74 to 26 percent. In the two particularly energy-intensive sectors, the chemical and plastics industries, more than every second company expects exports to fall.
Industries see business situation slightly improved
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