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Industrial unions and the political crisis: A message in El Mercurio that arouses suspicion

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The statement published in The Mercurysigned by the most influential business associations in Chile, has created a mixture of surprise and suspicion in public opinion. This statement addresses the real political crisis facing the country, highlighting the corruption scandals in the Hermosilla case and the recent rape complaint involving Interior Undersecretary Manuel Monsalve. The position of these business sectors, which were usually seen as opponents of social welfare policies, is viewed with skepticism, especially given their history of legislative obstruction in Congress.

The document entitled “Chile’s Time” mentions the importance of facing current challenges with unity and responsibility, highlighting the need for a better quality of life for Chileans, as well as reforms and activities that allow the rebuilding of trust in institutions. At the same time, they want progress in long-term solutions, recommending leadership that “overcomes political divisions” and achieves consensus.

However, the background to this declaration is considered disturbing by many, as the same unions that accept it have been instrumental in blocking progressive initiatives and social in Congress, through their representatives. It is paradoxical to sign leaders from departments such as the CPC, Sofofa, the Chamber of Construction of Chile and the SNA, which are known for being against policies aimed at improving the living conditions of the population. His sudden interest in the crisis and the stability of the country raises questions about the real intentions behind his words.

On the one hand, it could be interpreted as an attempt to position themselves as responsible actors in the midst of chaos, but on the other hand, recent history shows that these sectors have be more likely to protect their own interests than the interests of citizens as a whole. Therefore, there is a kind of rebuke in the letter, because although concerns are expressed about governance and social well-being, they have been the main actors in legislative paralysis and in maintaining an economic model that is, according to many, one of those. responsible for the current crisis.

The call for “peace and stability” included in this statement can also be interpreted as a strategic move to avoid further structural changes that could affect these regions. In a context of growing distrust towards the political and business class, it is hard not to wonder if this apparent gesture of unity is sincere or if it hides an agenda. a business that seeks to preserve the status quo at all costs.

This letter puts on the table the tension between the discourse and practice of industrial unions. While they publicly advocate for a solution to the crisis and a return to stability, past and present actions in Congress, as well as their deep history, have shown that they against changes that could benefit the majority of the population. To take care.

Industrial unions and the political crisis: A message in El Mercurio that arouses suspicion

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