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Indriksone’s priorities – renewable energy resources and investment attraction :: Dienas Bizness

Ilze Indriksone (NA), a candidate for the post of Minister of Economy nominated by the National Union (NA), emphasizes the need to promote the use of Latvia’s renewable energy resources and attract investment.

Asked about her priorities in the field of energy, the politician emphasized the need to ensure energy independence by switching to the use of local renewable energy resources. The work already started by the current Minister of Economics Jānis Vitenbergs (NA) in the supply of heat from natural gas to the use of renewable resources must be continued, the former parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Economics (EM) pointed out.

The candidate for the post of Minister also noted the need to develop the production of solar and wind electricity. Asked whether the construction of wind power plants should be raised at the national level, as their construction has been hindered by objections from some municipalities, Indriksone explained that the issue should be addressed at the national level, while respecting the opportunities for citizens to express and evaluate these projects.

The politician drew attention to the fact that upon the proposal of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, a draft law on the determination of the status of national interests or national significance for the establishment of large wind farms has been prepared. In its turn, the MoE has submitted a proposal for other amendments to the law on discomfort or inconvenience payments to the local community, which will go to the municipal budget and be used to improve living conditions and energy in the nearest areas – parish or city.

Efficiency is also important, without wasting energy resources, by continuing to support building insulation programs, the deputy pointed out.

The candidate nominated by the NA mentioned the refusal of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to synchronize electricity supply with Russia as an important priority. In a few years, with the construction of the so-called stabilization equipment with the funds of the European Union, it is planned to leave the system in order to synchronize with the European electricity supply system, Indriksone said.

When asked which date to set in the law as the day when we stop purchasing natural gas from Russia, the deputy of the Saeima answered that the government had previously supported the strategy promoted by the MoE, which set 1 January 2023 as the relevant date. It will be the decision of the Saeima to set a date in the law, the former parliamentary secretary of the MoE noted.

At the beginning, we need to get an answer as to whether we will receive the necessary natural gas supplies from the Klaipeda terminal in Lithuania in the last quarter of this year to be sufficient at the beginning of 2023, the politician explained. Winter is near, but it is not yet clear about the available natural gas supplies, Indriksone drew attention, explaining the need to follow the information on the possibilities of providing natural gas supplies from the Klaipeda terminal.

Indriksone mentioned the forthcoming Paldiski terminal in Estonia in the future as another potential source of natural gas.

In the field of investment attraction, Indriksone sees the continuation of the work already started and appreciates the great response to the application for the large investment fund announced by the state this year. The application is more than the available funding, and the projects have been submitted by companies that are already working, which will also invest their funds in the applied projects, the politician said.

The implementation of these projects will make a significant contribution to the state budget in two or three years, as the productivity of companies will increase and they will become more efficient in their operations, the candidate for the position of the Minister of Economics explained.

As reported, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, together with Russia and Belarus, still operate in the post-Soviet IPS / UPS system, known as the BRELL power supply chain, in which the frequency is centrally regulated in Russia. It is planned to join the continental European networks, which will allow the energy systems of the Baltic States to operate in synchronous mode with Poland, Germany and other European countries, no later than in 2025.

As reported, Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (JV) is ready to nominate Indriksoni as Minister of Economy for approval in the Saeima, LETA was informed by the Prime Minister’s Office. Kariņš and Indriksone met on Thursday to discuss the most important works in the industry and the main priorities of the MoE.

It has already been reported that the NA in the ruling coalition last week demanded the resignation of former Interior Minister Maria Golubeva (AP) in connection with police work in Victory Park earlier this week. The NA threatened that if Golubeva remained in office, NA ministers would leave the government.

Golubeva said this week that he had lost the prime minister’s confidence, so he was resigning. In his turn, Prime Minister Kariņš demanded that the Minister of Economics Jānis Vitenbergs also leave the post due to the “blackmail attempt” made by the NA.

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