Actor Indrans, who dropped out of school due to life circumstances, also got stuck in his 10th class equal education. The rule of Saksharathamishan says that Indrans can study in 10th only if he passes 7th standard. So Indrans must clear the 7th exam first. Director of Literacy Commission Prof. A.G. Olena told Twentyfour (State Saksharatha Mission on Indrans Education Issue)
There is no record of having passed 7th, which is a hindrance to studying in 10th. But he will soon win 7th and make necessary study facilities to enter 10th. Although the study lasts six to seven months, Indrans will be given a break. The State Literacy Commission is insisting that Indrans, who does not hesitate to open up about his life, will win the 10th class.
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Olena said that Indrans can study without sitting in class with the help of Prerak. Also, Olina told Twentyfour that he can study through the online channel of the Literacy Mission’s YouTube channel even when he goes to shoot for the film. Every Sunday Medical College Govt. The center of the school cannot be reached. Prof. also said that special class for study is under consideration. A.G. Olena said.
It was while participating in the function of the Navakerala Sadas that Indrans expressed his interest in further studies and submitted his application for class 10th. U.P. Medical college ward counselor and friend DR. Anil said.
Story Highlights: State Saksharatha Mission on Indran’s Education Issue
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