Home » today » Entertainment » Indra Salcevičs in shock – men married after divorce send her their “eggplant” photo and offer thousands for the joys of love

Indra Salcevičs in shock – men married after divorce send her their “eggplant” photo and offer thousands for the joys of love

As already reported, stylist, blogger and body positive ambassador Indra Salceviča after a year and a half of marriage with lifestyle blogger Kaspars Bērziņš has passed a formal divorce.

The rings were exchanged on May 17, 2019, but the fact of marriage was revealed to the general public only at the end of the year. Significantly, just a year after the announcement of the marriage, Indra Salceviča came up with the message that the two of them had reached the brink of divorce with Kaspars Bērziņš and turned their love into friendship. “In a relationship, it is both to look in one direction, but it is even more important to look at each other,” Indra Salceviča said a week and a half before Christmas, giving explanations under the entry with snapshots – the relationship; everyone is looking in their own direction; last picture; game over; when love grows into friendship.

In a conversation with Jauns.lv, Indra Salceviča confirmed that official divorce documents have already been submitted.

Well, on the social network ‘Instagram’ Indra, Indra reveals what “surprises” the status of a free girl has brought her. Some believe that a divorced woman is a light prey, others want to “fall in love quietly”, with its “eggplant”.

Here is Indra’s record:

“Free girl status comes with a bunch of news on Instagram and Facebook. The writers can be divided into groups. Some are the ones who think that a woman who divorces is ruined by grief, a light prey who definitely wants to shrug and They send compliments, messages with pictures of flowers, call in all nicknames and hope to conquer the body with a bunch of compliments.The second group – married or busy men who write directly that they want to love you well in silence, because somehow everything being complicated and need a lover ASAP.

The third group comes with a clear message – my dream is to pick up a celebrity.

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In turn, the fourth, which is the largest in terms of number, are those who start a conversation with their eggplant and the times of use already indicated. I have received more than 10 ???? this week. And not just pictures, there are also videos with actions! So what to say? The sad fact is that married people are looking for a lover, although it would be easier to live alone and do what they want. Even with five at a time. The second saddest thing is that men see their value only in eggplants. That showing an eggplant seems to them a big enough argument for a woman to pay attention to him. I understand the sending of intimate pictures and it seems to be a specific practice on the relevant sites, and it is normal to broadcast such content between couples. The crown seems to be today’s last offer – 3000 eur for a night spent together! ???? Wow !!! ???? a, what so little? I asked him in front of him! ???? “

“Anyway, this made me wonder. Isn’t mutual lust really relevant nowadays? Flirting is extinct? And men just don’t care? To count? Has the social networking bubble really destroyed relationship-building values ​​as such?” so Salcevich.

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